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About johnnypro

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  1. mine lost power - turned out the barrel had twisted , as its held in place with two grub screws -- probably moved once when i undone the silencer the barrel has a hole underneath that lines up with the valve hole in the main part of the gun. i had mine chronoed and it was pushing out 6 ftp !!!! id check that first before stripping the gun and removing the anti tamper etc etc
  2. just to add a twist - i have a raider 10 in 22 and a new hw97kt in 177 .. my 97 in 177 holds the most rabbit kills by a long margin , for me mr average, the easy flat pellet flight and extra speed seems to do the job better , better when at night also when i have a nitesite fitted when distance is hard to judge . isnt a 22 at 12flb and a 177 at 12 ftb the same smack down energy ?? get both id say :-)
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