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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. try a pointed soldering iron thats what i used to put some extra holes in a collar i had it worked ok
  2. its got to have more of a chance with vet treatment than with out dont you think if it doesnt survive with treatment then at least you would know youve done your best to help the ferret
  3. i havent been to the cla gamefair for years pal but would love to go to one again i was looking to go this year but its a bit to far for me to travel. i think the cla gamefair is one of the best around i always enjoyed it ,a good day out.
  4. have you not got any lurchers you could catch some rabbits with local theres a few rabbits round silloth.
  5. i start mine at 6 months old on small sets where iv seen or chased a rabbit in to .
  6. If you where only going to get a slap on the wrist more would I"m sure still be doing it BUT how many lads have had cars confiscated,driving bans,dogs taken and large fines. yes i know what you mean pal but i bet the ones that got caught and had stuff confescated are still doing it.
  7. what a load of crap that was it doesnt matter to some people that hare coursing is illegal there still going to do it especially if there only going to get a slap on the rist and told to be on your way.
  8. i was hoping someone was going to come out and say this well said mate for telling me how you run your dogs, :thumbs: ive watched loads of runing dvds and seen loads of dogs on dvd runing doubled, wrekin krew was one and daytime dvds there is loads also waterloo cup and some collie xs trackin foxes over the mountains like i say a few,But no one on here except one now 2 dont run there dogs doubled,ive learnt a lot today thankyou very much what have ya learned ,,? waterloo cup is a competition, different matter altogether, each to there own though, i always felt big quarry was differ
  9. as i said before i run them single as well.
  10. can anyone remember the books where's wally well here he is :laugh:
  11. why bud, when i started, i hunted with a lad that did the same, always believed it wasn't getting the best out of either dog,, its just something iv done since i was young im not the only one to do this where im from most lads run there dogs doubled up round here
  12. hello pal iv been running lurchers doubled up for 18 years now and never had a problem or an injury caused by doing this i also run them single handed to but its mostly doubled up.
  13. mine got pretty well marked up and we only got 11 rats but the ferret was in a really long time. i know some lads that go ferreting rats and they enjoy it but they've also had ferrets killed by rats.
  14. its to keep it warm on them cold winter mornings out hunting do they do scarfs as well :laugh:
  15. iv done it once when i was younger we got a few rats out of this old rubish pile on this farm i had permission on but the ferret got well marked up iv never done it since cause im more into catching rabbits than rats.
  16. hello pal iv just made myself a new ferret hutch what i did was copy off the ones that iv already got i made it out of 6mm ply wood and some 2"x 2" wood for the legs just copy the design off yours and either make it the same size or bigger.good luck
  17. to tell you the truth pal im not bothered if its eu or not all im bothered about is if it works well for me which i hope it will when its older its only 8 weeks at the min. i was just wondering what the difference was as everyone on here keeps going on about the eu polcat like its something special
  18. thanks pal iv just recently got a polecat but i didnt pay for it i got it for nothing off a lad i know i wouldnt pay stupid prices for a ferret why do people think they are super ferrets is it because of price and colour or working abillity. are they better workers than a normal ferret.
  19. i was wondering what difference is there between an eu polcat and a normal polecat is it just the price. im no expert on ferret type i class them as all the same as long as there good workers thats all that matters is'nt it.
  20. nice pics ian just shows you how effective snaring can be if done properly. good job
  21. i use straw and wood shavings i dont bother with litter trays i just keep them clean all the time whenever i see some muck in the cage i shovel it up.
  22. That looks pretty effective... anyone used it ?1 iv used it its brilliant for removing the whole tick much better than pissing about with tweezers did you get it online or will wcf sell it, cheers no i bought it from my local vets cost me £4.50. i dont know if wcf sells them.
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