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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. what do you feed yours on pal meat mate ye know, the stuff they were designed to eat look at theyr teeth ffs....... my dogs teeth are fine pal thats fine if you want to feed yours meat but ill be feeding mine complete meal
  2. in winter i go out from 10pm by time iv picked every one up and got to where were starting lamping its about 11pm and lamp all night till its getting light unless it turns out to be a crap night weather wise then call it a day and go home.
  3. i use wagg worker for my dogs i think its not a bad food and its cheap £9.49 for 17kg
  4. my jill had 11 aswell...1 died but the rest were fine...she had 11 last season aswell but she never came back into season till this year 2 of mine died was left with 9.
  5. my jills done the same pal it had a litter of 11 about 10 weeks ago and i was cleaning it out a couple of days ago and noticed that shes back in season.
  6. this is my 1st lurcher so im learning, and i did the wood thing at the entrance and she was jumping it but then it all fell to shit and she just wont jump now just try her on really small fences that she has to jump but can do with ease and really praise her up when she jumps it make sure she cant find away through the fence though. once she builds her confidence up she should start jumping for you.
  7. they look like big batterys pal i wouldnt like to carry them around all night especially after having used the new lithium batterys.
  8. iv already got a 5/8 3/8 bull x hes a good all round dog i like the bull x breed and was just wanting something a little bit different from the normal bull x greyhound my missus has just got a collie it s about 4 months old now thats what got me thinking about the collie x grey x bull x grey i suppose id have to get one to really see what that breed was like.
  9. heres my bull x dog jumping a gate i think that is vital that your lurcher can jump i wouldnt have one that couldnt. i like to start them off jumping when there about 10 weeks old by putting a bit of wood across the entrance to there bed not to big but just so they have to jump over it and increase the size of it as the dog gets bigger ill start on small fences with no barbed wire on at 3 to 4 months iv never had any problems doing it that way.
  10. how much collie geryhound and bull x is in your dog pal
  11. i am intrested in getting one of these crosses and was wondering if anyone has one and if they could tell me if there a good breed to have and if there good workers or not thanks for your help
  12. iv got a 14ah one i think there a really good battery espcially for weight there really really light you hardly know youve got one with you if i could afford the 22ah one i would buy that one aswell but thats a bit expensive for me.
  13. it doesnt really bother me going out of season cause permissions hard enough to get and if you dont keep going then youll loose permission.
  14. iv got one of the mk3 s but dont think that its that accurate on telling you how deep it is mine says 5ft deep when its only 2ft or a 1ft deep unless theres something wrong with it i dont know but i find the grey boxes to be reliable and accurate to use
  15. i prefer the old gery boxes i think there more accurate than the new locators
  16. i normally start in september but sometimes have to do a bit before then where farmers wanting rid of rabbits cause of them causing damage to crops and fields.
  17. well done pal i was out last week ferreting on some permission where the famers wanting shot of the rabbits its only 4 fields but theres loads of rabbits there causing alot of damage to his crops i took my 14yr old nephew and his friend with me as there in to ferreting it was a good day we ended up with 5 rabbits should have been 7 but 2 got away due to my nephew not seeing all the holes cause of the long grass the farmer was pleased with what we caught and asked us to go back this weekend. all the rabbits that bolted and that were caught were big ones not a baby in site.
  18. hello pal welcome have a look in the ferreting section theres some decent lads in there will give you some good advise.
  19. hello and welcome to the forum pal.
  20. hello pal why dont you just buy a blitz reflector head cause it will fit on the lance that way you'll have both size of lamps thats what i done to mine.
  21. it should work but you'd have to try it to find out how well it would work.
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