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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. Hello I'm thinking about making a few dog collars and was wondering if any one could give me any advise on making them and also suggest a good supplier for all the tools and buckles etc thanks for all your help atb SR.
  2. i didn't realize it was already on here I haven't been on here for a while but when I seen it I thought it would be a good idea to post it on here. Atb sr
  3. http://act.voteaction.uk/a/76 just found this on the countryside alliance website got to be worth a shot
  4. After reading a good few topics and posts on here about bull xs I was wondering why the bull x gets such a bad name I have owned a number of bull xs over the years and find them to be a good breed to own easy to train and loads of prey drive and good with kids its a shame that the breed doesn't get more praise from people. What's your opinions on this ? atb SR.
  5. Iv never driven the fields or seen it done but I personally don't see the point in driving the fields after quarry for me its all about running my dogs on the quarry and not chasing it round in a motor but everyone does it differently don't they and like has already been said you will always get people that spoil it for others.
  6. Long-range terrier locator and collar for sale £150.00 posted only been used twice excellent condition like new comes with case magnetic key to switch on and off and spare batteries
  7. Thanks tiercel I thought that's how it would be done but I wasn't 100% sure so I thought id ask on here first thanks for your help pal atb
  8. Hello there I'm interested in making a few poke nets with double peg's on and I was wondering how you run the draw cord through the net? Any pics would be great thanks for your help atb
  9. well done lads thats a good haul of rabbits there sounds like that pups going to be a good worker. atb
  10. she loves it pal iv had her out ferreting with me since she was 3 or 4 iv also got another daughter thats 4 and shes aleady showing an intrest in ferreting but shes only been out once but she seemed to like it. atb
  11. yeah i agree its better to get them out doing something outdoors than them sitting in playing on their xbox or ps3. she absolutly loves to go ferreting with me shes always asking when can we go ferreting.
  12. Yeah it was a long day but an enjoyable one. atb
  13. me and my daughter and a couple of mates desided to have a look out with the ferrets on sunday we went to a driving range where i have permission to control the rabbits we arrived at about 7.45am and got to the first set it was only a 3 holer and looked well used so nets on and ferret in but nothing at home we contined along the banking which runs along side the mini golf course trying every set we came across but the out come was the same nothing at home every set looked well used and there was plenty of signs of rabbits around the sets. we moved around the course trying sets until we came to
  14. well done lads i really enjoyed that read
  15. well done pal i was out myself last sat for first time i got 13 was a good day but like you say theres definatly to much undergrowth about could do with some frost to kill it all but that looks a long way off yet atb for the season pal
  16. simonrocco


    hope every thing goes your way in court pal and you get to prosicute everyone responsible for the cruelty and neglect they have done to your dogs its absolutly shocking what they have done. atb in court pal
  17. is there anywhere where you can buy cheap but good quality spun poly iv been getting it from agouti nets but was just wondering if theres anywhere that does it cheaper and as good a quality, thanks for your help atb SR.
  18. hope you get it back pal ill keep a look out for it
  19. Awesome liked the tiger did you see that lads face
  20. Yeah it wasn't a bad show could do with a few more stalls though
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