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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. Well done pal the rabbits always seem to bolt out of the hole that's not netted its as if they can sence its not got a net on
  2. Yeah it was a good day I really enjoyed it can't wait to go again
  3. Can't beat a mooch about with dogs and ferrets well done pal
  4. Me and my mate desided to have a look out with the ferrets yesterday we went to one of my permissions that I haven't been to since last season due to mixy. We set off at 7am and arrived about 8.30am we should have been there sooner but there was quite a bit of snow and ice on the roads. We arrived and after a quick chat with the farmer we got all the gear and headed off to the first set in a little strip wood my mate started netting up while I ran the longnet out in the died just outside the wood as there's a few holes in the field once I had done that I joined my mate setting purse nets this
  5. Great write up pal I enjoyed it 4 is quite good last few times iv been out at night with the nets iv caught nothing good going lads.
  6. Iv got 10 3ft handmade spunpoly purse nets for sale £20 + 3.90 p&p pm me if interested
  7. Iv got 10 brand new 3 ft handmade spunpoly nets £20 pm me if your intrested
  8. Mine is the same pal I just tell her to shut up iv done it since I was a child and I'm not going to change so if she wants to be with me she has to deal with it she still moans a little bit when I go out but it will never stop me from going.
  9. Hi I'm looking for a handle for either a blitz 240 or light force 170 the missis has chucked mine out during a clean out if anyone has got a spare one I could buy or for free pm me thanks sr.
  10. I worked with one for 3 years absolute knob head I ended up loosing my rag with him one day and lost my job I don't get why people go out of there way to cause trouble at work for people.
  11. Yeah it was a good few hours out I'm back out on Saturday for the full day but I'll have to leave the dogs at home this time there not allowed on this bit of permission atb
  12. It looks good pal but like has already been said half the net size to give yourself more bagging if you kept it like that the rabbits would just bounce off it good luck with it on Sunday atb SR.
  13. had my mate round last night saying he was off work today and did i fancy going ferreting (of course) so i dropped my daughter off at school and off we went we took 3 ferrets my jill and my mates 2 young jills we also took my bull x lurcher and my mates whippet x we went on my mates bit of permission first its only a few fields but has a few rabbits on first set we tried was about a 3 holer but its covered in brambles and sticks to much hassel to net so we put my jill in this one and covered this one with the dogs this was my dogs first time out ferreting so he didnt really know what was going
  14. Its good fun with the longnets iv had mine a few year now and always enjoy using them. Atb with them pal.
  15. Hello pal handling your ferret for only 5 mins a day is in my opinion bad advise when mine were young I would handle them for at least an hour a day picking them up and putting them down getting them use to my feet moving about then picking them up again and also I give them a bit of food out of my fingers as for training them with mine iv just had some pipes in there cage which they run through when their playing but i think its in a ferrets instinct to go down a hole. If you use locators or not its entirely up to you I personally use them but what iv learnt over the years is everybody has th
  16. Hello pal I would like to learn how to stitch them but if I can't do it that way I would have to use the rivets. Iv been looking on eBay at tools already what tools would you suggest to get for a beginner? Thanks for your help atb SR.
  17. Hello pal I haven't got any tools at the min but I'm looking in to getting some soon where would be the best place to get them from? Hope you write the article it would be interesting to read it atb SR
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