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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. The cap off a Tv Arial connector does the job my mate just bought some from b & q only a couple of quid for 10 take your collar in with you cause there's two different sizes
  2. Try contacting clive rees he should give you your best advise he's been helpful to me when iv emailed him for advise atb hope everything turns out ok for you SR.
  3. Might just be me and a particularly bad patch im going through ,having lost a few dogs recently to wasters and had 2 stolen at another address .Like i said just me mate . sorry to hear you've lost some dogs pal and anyone that steals a dog is pure scum I hope you get the stolen ones back.
  4. it just goes to show what can happen if you give a dog a chance atb pal
  5. ill let you know how I get on with him ill be training him with all the hand signs and iv been looking into a vibrating collar for the recall iv been learning it sit and it seems to be picking it up quite quick but there's still along way to go and I'm looking forward to the challenge atb pal
  6. i beleive it is a disadvantage as a dog uses its ears when travelling, i believe they use their ears when marking at an entrance too sometimes. Although it is a disadvantage, if the dog was a goodun im sure it would adapt its nose to suit. Culling is great when you have a few pups/litters available in the near future, but if this is your only pup available, id take a shot as long as your not planning to breed from it. I definitely wont be breeding from it but if it wants to work ill work it and see how it goes. I wasn't even looking to get another terrier until I got a text asking if I knew of
  7. The cracker I new was a red bitch so defiantly not the same dog ha ha
  8. what's wrong with giving a dog a chance if its going to work then I'll let it but if not then it will be a pet I don't know about a disabled dog section but there should defiantly be a clowns section.
  9. this one iv got doesn't seem jumpy at all its really curious and into everything its a right little character.
  10. I know the person that had Remus did you get cracker from Cumbria as well was it a sandy coloured bitch
  11. I was thinking that with him being deaf from birth that his other senses like smell and sight etc might be better than normal only time will tell though atb SR
  12. no pal its a white jack russel its only one out of litter with anything wrong with it
  13. The terrier is well bread off good lines that's why I was thinking of giving it a chance at working it iv been looking into using these vibrating collars for recall as alot of people use them with deaf dogs this is my first deaf dog and its going to be a challenge to train it but I'm looking forward to it iv got plenty of time to research about them as its only 9 week old thanks for all the comments atb SR
  14. Yeah I know what you mean some of my other dogs are like that especially when they get on the sent of something
  15. Well done pal look like a enjoyable day
  16. Hi just wondering if there's anyone that works deaf dogs below or above ground I have just been given a terrier pup that's 9 weeks old and its totally deaf its a lovely little dog and is full of character and energy I am considering trying to work it but if it doesn't work out I'll just be keeping it as a pet it would be good to see if there's anyone out there who works deaf dogs. atb SR.
  17. Well done lads you can't beat ferreting in the snow atb Sr
  18. Cheers for all your comments lads atb SR
  19. Looks like a good walk out pal it beats sitting in the house
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