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Everything posted by simonrocco

  1. nice set up pal iv just been putting a few pipes in mine tonight for them to play in and they seem to love them atb with the ferret
  2. great write up pal enjoyed it looks like the dogs have there work cut out on that ground atb
  3. i know how you feel pal im having trouble with my 2 neighbours over my dogs iv been reported to the housing about 7 or 8 times now iv had the rspca out 4 times. they say that they bark all day and night which they dont i dont know how they'd know if they barked through the day cause there out at work all day when they ring the rspca they say im neglecting my dogs but each time they come out they have said that the dogs are healthy and clean and theres no problem. its come to the point now where im that sick of them iv called enviromental health to come out and mointer my dogs the neighbours h
  4. good write up pal enjoyed it atb
  5. it costs £39 for vasectomy at my local vets atb
  6. my dogs are all kennelled but i used to have one in the house when i was in my teens (my first lurcher) i never seen any difference in its working ability to ones that where kennelled but my mate used to own a lurcher that would not work in the rain and cold it used to work well but if it started raining it just lost all intrest in working. atb
  7. well done pal im thinking about having a look out with the ferrets next week on a golf course where iv got permission i just hope the cover wont be to thick. atb
  8. yes bud it was had the young lass with me it was her second time out on a dig the farmer gave her a few quid when we were leaving and now all she wants is to go out again its good to get the kids involved doing something you can enjoy together my little lass loves to come ferreting with me but she wont come on a dig. i bet your young lass will be expecting money every time you go back to that farm keep at them pal atb
  9. well done pal sounds like a good morning atb
  10. sorry to here about your dog pal its not nice having to put a dog to sleep especially a good worker but sometimes its for the best if the dog is starting to suffer. atb pal R.I.P kizzy
  11. here's my two i use for bushing
  12. thanks for the reply's ill give that one ago atb
  13. iv got some fox nets to make for a friend of mine and i was wondering what patterens you lads use when making a 6ft net. iv made them before for myself but i made them 15 meshes wide all the way down till i got to 6ft. i make my rabbit nets 2 rows of 8 down to 4 rows of 17 then back to 2 rows of 8 i used to make my rabbit nets 15 meshes all the way down but changed to doing it this was as i think its faster and doesnt use as much material i was wondering if theres any patterens simillar to the one i use for the rabbit nets. thanks for your help atb
  14. welcome to the site rebecca nice looking dog you've got atb
  15. welcome to the site pal someone will help you with your problem have you try'd asking around your local area to see if theres any local lads that can help you out atb
  16. hello pal welcome to the site atb
  17. yeh tried ebay but can only find the caps for the ferret collars
  18. iv been looking for a cap for one of my old terrier locator collars for the old grey boxes it takes 2 batterys but i cant find one anywhere does anyone know where i can get one from cheers atb
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