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Everything posted by dogman1

  1. i think you can blame "wizard of oz" "something about mary", tv adverts and soaps. there turning up on tv more and more now
  2. yeah i work her, she does everything i ask her and would love a litter from her but i was just wary of the risks with [bANNED TEXT] people told me but your right who in there right mind would breed a genuine worker at 2 or 3?
  3. i am looking for advice from experienced terrier breeders, is 4 to old to take a first litter from a border terrier. i have heard that the age should b 3 max and this could lead to problem pregnancies. thanks in advance
  4. yeah i know what you mean, i love them to and in my experience with them they are great for exactly what i do. i would breed my own bitch but she is four now and they say that there is more likely to b problems for a first litter at this age. as she is irreplacable im not taking the chance.
  5. does anyone have or know anyone with a litter of working border terrier pups or will have some shortly?
  6. I would go for it mate, if it's from decent stuff and the cross that you want right enough. I got a dog at a year and a half that was chasing sheep, wouldn't jump and was really spooky but it was from good stuff and I saw potential in it so I took a chance and spent the summer working on it, come the autumn, the spookiness was gone, it was jumping great and stock broken. Add that into it that it was catching nearly everything it chased. If you put the time in and persevere with the problems they can b worked out in my opinion.
  7. yeah its not bad, just to broaden the horizons a bit more thats all
  8. is there anymore running dog forums on the net?
  9. dogman1


    yeah i think it could b good sport, i would like to lamp mine aswell when i get it seen as the winter days are short lamping during the week and daytime at the wknds seems the way to go
  10. dogman1


    does anyone here lamp there there harris hawks and how do yous get on?
  11. can anyone give me some advice, i am getting a harris hawk soon and im needing some tips with the aviary. it will b an old dog kennel but it hasnt got any drainage and has a concrete base. i was planning on puttin astro turf on top of the concrete or pea gravel. are harris hawk casts toxic in any way or would they just wash into the ground with a good hose? i have experienced people helping me getting into the sport but i am going to b asking alot of questions on here aswell since i appreciate that everyone has different opinions and ideas. any pics of aviarys would also be very helpful. thank
  12. thanks sean, how many chokes do you get?
  13. can anyone tell me about chokes, what there purpose is and what choke to use for what and when. thanks in advance
  14. At this time of year what types of fields are getting hammered by pigeons? going for permission today and would just like to know where most of the problems would b just now, thanks
  15. dogman1


    is there any hawking falconery monthly magazines available? there seems to be for every other fieldsport.
  16. ok mate i will do since u asked im looking for something for birds, rabbits etc so a rimfire is a definate, i dont know much about the 17hmr. im also wanting something for roe deer as i have alot on my permission that the farmer would like taken care of
  17. The sporting rifle is a good book to learn from : Amazon John thanks mate il look it up
  18. dogman1

    times a week?

    thanks guys, very helpful advice there.
  19. hey there, i already have a shotgun license and i am thinking to be applying for my firearms license soon. i do not really have much of a clue about rifles, calibers and what gun is used for what quarry though. is there any websites or books that could help and learn about rifles and there uses. any advice is welcome from yourselves to. thanks in advance
  20. yip i ment brown hares single handed between december and febuary
  21. what is the most hares your dog has single handed caught in 1 day and how many slips did u have in that day pre ban< and try and b honest
  22. dogman1

    times a week?

    thanks mate, i kno the more your out the better they are but as im restricted a bit so was just wonderin the least amount, i will manage 3 days defo anyway
  23. dogman1

    times a week?

    every day is not possible, i am working and have a family, i am set on a harris hawk so i would just like to know [bANNED TEXT] is the minimum it has to b out hunting a week to b decent.
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