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Everything posted by dommorris92

  1. Think its a lead battery . Looks a good deal . Always thought a1 were supposed to be pretty good
  2. Has any one got one of these or no oat about them . . Its 99 quid for lamp battery charger and filter in a case . . .
  3. Posted somet up last week about putting my older jills with new kits . . Well have been putting them in the run together and one of the older jills goes straight for the kits neck and rags em around. the other jill is fine with them . . How do i overcome this . . Will sje calm down if i do it every day . Dont want the kits gettin nervous tho
  4. As above . Must be albino and would like one jill and one hob
  5. Any one got the link to the making purse nets with the light saber ?? Was on here cant find it
  6. This might be in the wrong section but anyway . . got the brocock atomic in .22 brill pistol but where do i get a silencer or adapter that will fit the internal thread in the barrel
  7. Thanks alot lads . Sending it back to have checked .
  8. Tried jsb exacts 4.52 , air arms diablo and daystate lis
  9. Tried removing the silencer its the same . . Pit it over the chrono and its very consistant . . At first thought it was the twang cos not used to that . . Will have to send it back but dont want to send it back and they say its fine then ill look a prat . Other people have used it and it shoots the same . .
  10. Tried different pellets pal . Would of thought i need to clean barrel as its new .
  11. Just bought one two weeks ago . . Sat a mtc viper 4-16-50 on top looks sexy but the grouping is not very good at all . . Shooting of a bipod and all pellets are within a 50mm circle at 35 yards but obv thts no good . . Dont no weather its the gun as [BANNED TEXT] i hold the stock when shooting it improves slightly or weather its the scope i no some people dont get on with mtc . This is my first . . .and also its my first brand new gun so dont no weather it will settle down . . Really frustrating . I no its not my shooting i have a air arms s410 and a s510 and can get ten shots within a five pe
  12. Had her done with the jill jab yest and ill see what happens . . She was showing signs of coming back into season . . Injection was only £5.03 at just for pets vets . Hopefully thatll sort it . Cheers lads
  13. Oki cheers pal . . Theyve both bin brought out of season this year already so didnt think it would be that . .
  14. My two ferrets have started scrapping cant understand why . . They get plenty of food n water and theyve got a huge hutch . It isnt play fighting either . . There two years old and have been together from kits (there sisters) . Ive split em up for now . . Bin split up a few days and both calmed down so thought id put them in the run together to see if it continued and it did . .any one no whats cracking off ??
  15. Was wondering what people prefer jsb exact 4.51 , 4.52 or 4.53. . And does the difference matter that much ?? Cheers atb
  16. Basically, ages ago i saw south somerset ferreters use one on fieldsports channel . a normal longnet set high so theres a gap for the rabbits to get under then they pulled a string when a number of rabbits were in the field and the net dropped.Anyone made one of these or no how too . . Btw its for land that would normaly be difficult to longnet because the lands not right or the rabbits dont venture out enough to be able to get into position ??? Cant explain any more really only seen it that once i think they used box section but not 100% . .
  17. Email him in the contact bit and he usually gets straight back within the hour . He is very good and dispatch time and postage very good . Atb
  18. Take em on a walk lol thatll get some heads turnin . . I do the same as you pal . . Just play with em aswell get them runnin and jumpin about . . Atb
  19. Dont have to be from working stock i have two jills that aint and there as good as any other . .
  20. Started making my own nets n its all going good so far. . Quick question . . Do nets still work if you dont increase and decrease meshes ? So say start at 12 at the ring and follow tht right the way down to the bottom ring
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