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Everything posted by dommorris92

  1. No change of diet yet pup and adult dog have had snotty poo . At first i thought it might be a bit of sun syroke or somet cos they bin out the last week sunning it all day the poo its self is firm enough to pick up but not hard like normal . . Dogs are fed raw mince with a complete mix . . Any one had this ??
  2. Got a hopefully preg jill that has been mated over a week ago and swelling has gone down loads but just checked and there seems to be a blister or sore on her mary lol have wiped it with clean water she seems fine has any one come across this before ? Sorry cant get photos up for some reason
  3. Cheers lads . Got her back today shes had xray and broken the corner off her elbow just waitin for a phone call from the surgeon to see if she will need pins or not . Fingers crossed
  4. 9 week old pup tried climbing the run today and got her leg stuck in the mesh . Its swollen and she cant put any weight on it and screams if you touch it. So took her straight to the vets and theyve wrapped it up and gonna xray her tomo morn but he wasnt happy with the amount of swelling . . . Obv its not the first thing on my mind atm but My question is has any one worked a lurcher thats had a broken leg . Will she make a full recovery cos shes only a pup . Has this happened to any one ?? Obv ill no more tomo when shes bin xrayed
  5. Got a 8 week lurcher pup . . Have been putting the ferrets down on the garden for pup to sniff and interact from the day i got her but shes starting to get a bit boistress with them now jumpin about pawing them and trying to nip them . . I think she just wants to play but how do i stop this behavour?
  6. Cheers lads pound and a half of mince ? Each meal or a day
  7. What do you lads feed your pups and how much of, also when do you start taking them out for walks and how longer walk . .
  8. Can you use advocate aswell as frontline as it doesnt treat ticks ??
  9. Can you use that advocate aswell as frontline as advocate doesnt treat ticks ??
  10. Lamping or take her shooting two nights a week i mean .
  11. Ferreting one day at the weekend then maybe two nights in the weeks but walk her most days
  12. Does any one use joint supplements for there lurcher ? If so what ? Got a 7 year old collie cross and after a days ferreting or lamping the next few days she seems stiff ?
  13. Cheers van man [BANNED TEXT] u say nest box i asume u mean the closed of part of the hutch where the bedding is so its oki to clean the rest ? And is it oki to open the bedding door just to check everythinks oki ..
  14. Ive got homes for the over spill ines planned already
  15. Hopefully gonna breed one of my jills this year , never done it before , have read alot on the web about it but want to know what you guys do . . . Basically once the deed has been done by the hob what are the next stages you have to prepare . . Once the jill has had the kits do you just leave them to it for a few days ?.. feeding ? Any info at all will help . Cheers
  16. I use a amber one when i take the gun and dog out rabbits sit tight and the dog runs fine with the filter . Ya get abit further beam than a red filter and amber is good for fog
  17. After a mature albino hob . . Burton on trent area but will travel within reason . . Atb
  18. As above really went on a shoot the other day and brought back a rook of birds all breasted. Will they be oki to give the dog and ferrets ?? I know it can kill birds if they have it . .
  19. Grant it wasnt a lie but i only sed she was marking cos how confident hr come over when asking me made me think maybe i was doin somet wrong also if he decided to be a c..nt about it i cba with the hassle of tryin to prove i wasnt in the wrong . And to save my permissuon ad its council cant have them goin to council sayin i was doin somet wrong
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