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Everything posted by mikey

  1. thinking of going to the thame game fair tomorrow anyone been today and what was it like?
  2. iveheard some good reviews on this gun does anyone use one and what do they thing of it?
  3. Never thought of it like that... Does anyone know of anyone or who have actually been questioned at a show by RSPCA? this is what started me asking questions,because i was asking the terrier/lurcher show organisers for a gamefair this weekend and they have had rspca checking certificates at one of their shows i think in yorkshire!
  4. thanks stig for the reply other replys seem to be getting the wrong end of the stick about showing at shows ! do you think the rspca have to prove its been docked by youreself /do they have the wright to take it of you say if you bought it from pikeys perhaps ??!! i suppose its best not to show if you dont have a certificate??
  5. now that there are plenty of game fairs on ,with terrier/lurcher shows does anyone know what would happen if you were showing a docked dog with no chip/certificate etc if the rspca were present and checking certificates?
  6. I have just rung the chap I got them off as I didn't ask how old when I picked them up I just thought they would start laying as soon as I put them in the coop. Hit the ground running as they say. I even got a book about different ways of having eggs thought I would be snowed under with them. Never had any before see. Anyway he said when I got them they would have been 18 weeks approx so they are now 20 weeks ish so another 4 weeks before an explosion of eggs then. Never mind I love having them anyway. Some people think fish tanks are therapeutic I think my three Lohmans and the Blu
  7. Got myself one of Wyremeads pups, Bilbo now 5 months old, spoke to Glenn, full of advice and help as were all on the epts forum and the workingplummerterrier forum... i wanted a bushing dog, rats, rabbits mainly and so far he seems to be coming along fine, using his nose like mad... by all means give Glenn a call, advertises through Countrymans Weekly mag. if you can find details for any of the other groups all will give good advice, i can only speak for glenn as i have met and spoken to him, the pta and ptcgb i have contacted and spoken to by forum but not in person. get in touch wi
  8. got my shotgun licence today which im realy chuffed about,but was wandering if most gun cabinets can be turned so there not upright but on their side without guns falling out,so it can fit un der the stairs (90 degree angle) as i havent got distance in height??? am i making sense??
  9. have seen a few topics on here regarding aseels,shamos etc and wandered why there so expensive ,are they hard to rear,are they rare ,is there a good market for themand where can i get some eggs to sit under a broody hen???
  10. noisy b*****ds arent they?!
  11. hi mate, what breeding is yours ? cheers Me and my mates have been breeding dog,s for the last twenty six year,s.We know what we are doing.atb .catcher. well bully for you!!!!!!!
  12. went a couple of years back wasnt all that to be honest,ok if youre doing nothing!
  13. need some rabbits clearing up near stansted airport,pm if interested!
  14. shot a few pigeons the weekend so was wandering if any one had any simple recipes for the breasts the simpler the better!
  15. they tow ok the mrs had one for pulling a horse trailer with horses in without a problem!
  16. Hello mikey, timing of seasons does vary alot and they last about three weeks, the bloody disgharge will last for a while after which she will stand for a dog, people quote various times that a bitch will stand and will tell you its ok after 15 16 17 odd days, you will need to watch your bitch closely. I once had a bitch stand at 21 days and was sucessfully lined. I my opinion you should let your bitch get past the age of two years before thinking of having pups. The Kennel club wont register litters if the bitch is under two.
  17. wat what age roughly should i expect my russell bitch to come into season and how often after that?
  18. dont know if its worth watching but caught my eye 7.35 tonight on channel 4 about a man trying to eliminate grey squirrels to help the red!
  19. landywoods and the dog food company
  20. what a load of bollox im british and he can call me a brit all he wants!!!!
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