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Everything posted by mikey

  1. thinking of getting a trained gundog just wandered what peoples views are on dogs being kenneled on their own!!??
  2. the covers will soon be going in just wandered what shoots will be putting ,weve got to think about something apart from maize because it just seems to get bulldozed by badger or deer,any recomendation as what to use instead idealy something to last a few years to reduce costs?
  3. im looking for a fully trained cocker or springer bitch thats had at least a season behind it will be used in the beating line and picking,if anyone is selling or knows of any to be sold could you let me know or give details many thanks
  4. cna i ask the breeding of this dog as its the image of my bitch
  5. what different methods are keepers using to stop big flushes of birds on driven days?
  6. Yes but the keeper doesn't know that till the end of the day unless the guns are saying after every drive that they are enjoy it. Keepers go on end of day bags, if they reach there target then there job has been done. If a keeper sees guns not shooting at birds theres nothing worse........and what someone thinks is not a sporting bird can be very different from another. Although this thread does make a nice change from the shoots i go too as its normally "head down" kind of stuff!!..... I'm not sure how that's justification for his behaviour Lab. A simple chat with the guns after a drive
  7. Hard to comment on this not being there but the birds that were high, were you hitting them? Ive seen it plenty times where the guns wont take average birds but cant hit the high ones and then moan at the end off the day cause the bag wasn't made. Its a pressure job and you have to take that into account. If he ranted and raved at you he probably over stepped the mark....dont go back!!! lab the job has changed in many ways from rearing to feeding practises but one thing you never change the presentation of birds knowing your beat knowing the weather implications on certain days planing
  8. myself and 6 family and friends bought a 100 bird day at the weekend (partridge and pheasant )the weather conditions were pretty poor and the birds werent flying well at all lots of them though,after three drives the bag didnt look good ,but none of the guns were moaning !just about to move of to the next drive and the keeper starts ranting why arent you shooting the birds its not wales you no with hight flying birds to which i replyed im not shooting low birds and they were low ,all the other guns agreed,basically he wanted to pack the day in because we wernt shooting but i told him im not sh
  9. anybody know a good badger deterent ,bloody thing are ruinindg cover crops!
  10. you can still get licences even if youve served time ,and with violent offences just depending what if youve been banged up for anything more than 3 years its a NO! be totally honest when applying even writing a covering letter!
  11. have seen a brood today ,in the middle of the road!as far as foxes go weve had more cubs in cubs in traps in the last 2 months than in the last few years!
  12. am going for my fac for small vermin control just wandered what gun youde recomend and why? cheers all!
  13. looking to get some beaters in for the coming season,pm if youre interested
  14. hi mate how much for the spaniel and larson traps and where are you?
  15. hi don how mant miles has it done and wherreabouts are you?
  16. a friend of mine is selling a 28bore shotgun cheap and was thinking of buying it for my boy anyone heard of an enigma spelling might be wrong !
  17. as the title says anyone one do earthwork in the stansted essex area pms prefered!
  18. have given jays a go but hasnt worked find nuts in a larson can trap them though!
  19. im doing the same normally use a decoy bread eggs in a nest just a waiting game!
  20. anyone got there larson traps out yet and how they getting on ?
  21. hi have you any pics and how much?
  22. were you there when he took the librarian hostage and we weere all banged up for the day?
  23. as the topic says are shoots struggling to find birds on shoot days ? our numbers seem to be down a fair bit to previous seasons although the birds seem to be flying very well!
  24. what craps outside of earths or sets in eaxctly the same spot in heaps ?cheers
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