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Everything posted by mikey

  1. YOUR DOGS ARE NOT WORKING TERRIERS RATS AN MINK DONT COUNT SO YURE IN IT FOR THE MONEY MONEY cant believe it ,pissflap has said something sensible for once
  2. Was going to be at Huntingdon on the last weekend of the month, But has been cancelled heers tom c
  3. i think ive read somwhere that theres a game fair around the cambridgeshire area at the end of november can anyone light on this (i think its at a racecourse!)
  4. had a pup of bolty not long back 9 hour round trip definately worth it !
  5. will you be getting anymore 34"waists?
  6. i have a 4 month old pup that has not been able to keep its food down for the last two days,still bright and lively in itself, any thoughts and advice greatly appreciated!
  7. AND THATS ALL IT IS YES 2 OR 3 A YEAR NOT 6 OR 7 A MONTH ALL SUMMER LIKE SOME 8000 hits and still only the one KNOB HEAD
  8. i think i read a post on here a few months back ,highlighting vets prices and immunisation can anyone point me in the wright direction ? need to print it of for a friend! rgds mikey
  9. black & tan has taken some pics over the years of some good lookin dogs,& all you tossers want to do is pic fault,god you have to word things so carefully on here!!!!!!!!!!!!like aload of old women
  10. have alook on confused .com will get a good quote on there!
  11. KHAN KNOCKED OUT FIRST ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. been looking after my parents chickens/bantams and guinea fowel whilst there away let them out friday morning and three dead bantams in there no marks on them!let them out this morning and one on its last legs so wrang its neck all the rest seem to be healthy enough ,just dont want my mum to come back to many more dead,so any advice on ilness and cure from any poultry experts greatly appreciated,like i say there seems to be no symptoms no snotty beaks /gaping beaks could get the vet out i suppose but i imagine itll cost a bloody fortune
  13. im sure in the past ive been on a working jack russell website ,does anyone have the web address?
  14. can anybody recogmend a good wormer and website to get them,currently use panacur syringe but think its a little expensive,many thank mike
  15. yes went along today,been going for the last few years and think its the best of all the shows in surrounding areas!
  16. plenty of food about at the moment!!!1 only seem to catch in mine when foods a bit thin on the ground
  17. GET IN TOUCH WITH OOTY MATE HES GOT SOME i do have a banging little ratting dog mate but your a long way from me,you'd be welcome to use him.dont want anything for stud,his ugly though. PLUMMERS ARE UGLY MATE maybe so in your opinon but there some ov the best ratters you'l ever see,i get the feeling you aint pritty. LOOK AT YOU ME AN ME MATE ARNOLD big muscles,big mouth small cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. after some bantams something that will go broody pretty soon
  19. does anybody know of any poultry markets not to far from stansted (essex)or surruonding areas
  20. did a jump about ten years ago now best buzz ever,my friend did it with me but broke his ankle ,the ambulance guy said there are two things that fall out of the sky ,thats bird shit and c**ts which one are you?if you listen to the instructer this wont happen though !!!!!!!!!!!
  21. seen them a couple of times in my local,brings all the old skinheads out the woodwork excellent entertainment though apparently use to back bad manners
  22. been to madeira and the canaries fishing that time of year some big fish in both places and not to far to travel
  23. can we see the one on youre thigh!!!!
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