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Everything posted by mikey

  1. MUPPET!!!!!!!!! good going nice terriers you got there
  2. We just chuck stones at them. should chuck bricks
  3. went to the local meet today there must of been a couple of thousand people there with over a hundred mounted,each year the turnout seems to get bigger,we even had a few antis along just to add to numbers gotta laugh at em as you see their organisers staying in the landrovers while the muppetts get told to march across muddy fields in the cold wearing white trainers do they make any difference do they f**k!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. mikey

    boxing day

    go to the hunt meet to see my daughter and her friends of with plenty of slow gin and winter pimms ,then follow on foot with the dogs and try and burn of xmas dinner!!
  5. after having a problem with one of my dogs and taking him to the vets ,having blazing row with them about the ripp off price and telling them i wont be bringing my dogs back to em and saying ill be jabbing them myself,the vet replied ill be reporting you to the royal vetrinary college and could get the police involved i just wandered what the legality of injecting ones own dogs????????
  6. do you find much difference between your dogs and bitches wit boldness have a 2 and half year old plummer dog and as a pup he was as bold as you like with dogs/people and still is,but my russell bitch (6months )is a lot more timid especially on her own ,her working ability at the same age seems to be more advanced though!
  7. call youreself a dog lover ,how can u do such a thing?????!!!!!
  8. one of my dogs has very crusty areas around the inside of his ears and a few ares like coldsores coud this be a type o f herpes?and is there anything i can put on it to help?
  9. considering the amount of plummers about (very few in comparison to other breeds)i would think they should have agood future especially with the likes of you guys bringing out ther working abilitys wouldnt you say flipflop!!!!!
  10. poor fipflop hates it, aplummer working!!!!!!!!!!!! bet hes pacing up and down in a cold sweat!!!
  11. good going fireman nice to see more and more plummers working,bet you still get a few cocks with negative comments!!!!!!!!!!
  12. thanks,no not a stroke!he has improved but ithink if he does make a full recovery it will be a while,thank god hes insured as were seeing why we all get pissed at vet bills!
  13. what was the outcome with your dog? He is back from newmarket after MRI scan, spinal tap and various tests, as he had no reflexes in his legs, eyes and throat,but no diagnosis. He can walk but is very wobbley, on back legs, his reflexes in his eyes and throat have come back. Am awaiting further test results this week. Hopefully he will improve......
  14. what was the problem with youres took the dog to the vets he didnt have a clue !after blood tests sent us to have mri scan spinal tap and other tests ,now they seem to think its a neurological disease ,any one had this problem and what as the outcome?
  15. have a 2 year old plummer terrier ,when let out of kennel this morning cannot stand up ,glazed eyes and slight swaying of head advice greatly wanted,will be taking him to the vets later anyway!
  16. battery hen welfare trust ,for ex battery hens!
  17. mikey


    et youreself to bangler rd in phuket what an eye opener you got to see it to believe loads to do there trecking .speedboats to different islands youn lle love it thailands the maddest place in the world how can i decribe it,its a cmbination between hell and paradise!!!
  18. a friend of mine has a labradoodle bitch shes now 5 months old and still pissing in the house and in her cage at night,shes let out regularlybut seems to come indoors and just wet and seem to go alot like every 20 mins any advice ideas for them would be greatly appreciated!
  19. just wandered if anyone on here has any of the above for sale?
  20. feed my terriers raw ,but was thinking of bulking it out a bit with a mixer anyone do this and what do they use?
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