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About growler

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  1. alreet growler welcome aboard

  2. has anybody got a phone number for trever cook at sunderland,has any 1 got a first cross deerhound x grehound cross bitch that they wont lined wid a 11 year old supper dog name growler from cumbria minshore bred 27inch at the shoulder this dog wud lamp all nite in its hayday has lined numerous bitches and bred supper stuff in cumbria,pick of litter wanted .

  3. 26 inch first cross collie greyhound 27 inch 3 quarter greyhound quater collie 10 years old half cross 6 years old,both dogs tried and tested in cumbria the half cross dog has just lined a 28 inch track greyhound john hodge fetched it from hancocks 6 years ago out of billie clinton it has been tried and tested on everything,bullet proof feet.
  4. 26 inch first cross collie greyhound 27 inch 3 quarter greyhound quater collie 10 years old half cross 6 years old,both dogs tried and tested in cumbria
  5. Trevor cooks in sunderland breeds 1 x deerhounds and im fairly sure he breeds pure breed deerhounds as well. hes stuff is what used to be doxhope what bill and john doherty breed but Bill dont keep them no more and trevor bought all his stock a few years ago and added other working deerhound blood. there called "COOK LAND deerhounds" trevors on here now hes called cooklands or something similar. Iv got a 1 x off one of hes deerhound dogs but from someone elses open class greyhound. I like the fella Iv only spoke to him a few times on the phone and hes always been helpful and he actuall
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