hi is there any one in the lincoln that could help just starting out with running dogs training my first dog its all going well
so far bet need her to lern some field craft is there any one ner me
that wood let me an ma dog come an watch there dog do a few runs on some rabbits so she can c how other dogs do it
got plenty of land to go on any help most greatfull thanks lads
iv got a bed x wippet x grey is it ok to let her pick the dead rabbits up i shoot
as she is only 6 months old
most greatfull for any help as i am new to running dog
alright lads need help with my pup shes 16 week old and trying to tech her to retrvie but having problems she gos an gets the decoy but then just gos off with it [bANNED TEXT] can i do to make her come back to me with it any help wood be greatfull thanks
how long a walk dus my pup need shes 13 weeks she loving it when were in the field i walk her an hour in the morning an a hour at night is that to much for her as im still lerning shes my first dog will put some pics up soon any info thanks lads
hi im new on here as any one got any tips on how to train my beddy x weppit an how i can train it to pick the rabbits up i shoot
any help wood be most grate full thanks tom