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Everything posted by SalukiBULLJP

  1. Cracking shape and condtion just about on the money.....hats off fella...
  2. he told me about the husky side of it.he said his mate would walk passed this vet every day and the dog was always on the leader,anyway 1 day his mate asked why dont you let the dog off for a run around and the vet replied [i cant as the dog has dropped 2 deer and the keeper caught him and said if i see that dog off the lead again i will shoot it].so his mate put it over his bitch as it done deer.thats what geff told me anyway and it was a long time ago so there shouldnt be any husky blood in the make of any of geffs dogs now. funny little thread there.......put it over as it "Done d
  3. Smart little dog there pal.............looks keen as mustard and obviously pulls her weight too...nice job. Jp.
  4. Alright there barry.. ....ive heard of a few lads in the local area..(Tyne and Wear) running Wheaton x Bull Greys but not yet seen a dog up close or working.....which sire and dam is yer mates dog bred ?? eg. sire Wheaton over grey bitch or the opposite mate...?.make a smashing all rounder-very useful once theyre calmed down and out of the "Puppy Phase",.....
  5. Nice looking pup. Nice stocky looking gait on the pup there barry-bet hes gonna have plenty of drive from the wheaton......all the very best of luck with him and keep us posted please budd?......atb Jp...
  6. Great pictures mate....lovely dogs especially the chocolate and white bull crosses.....
  7. Agreed with the other lads on here.. ..ive a 21"tts whippet x greyhound bitch and took her on as a punt from a kid who was feeding mother and pups on bakers complete...!! needless to say all pups were suffering from malnutricion and intestine problems.took her off the kid and put some time and plenty of effort into gettin her healthy and settled in..six months down the line a found out she a beddyxwhipett greyxwhippet....soft as clarts in the house with my bullxsaluki grey but mint out on the lamp and mooch.... good luck with the pup whatever the breeding actually is mate-the bond you make
  8. Nice cross there mattyg.....ive a bitch with nearly the exact same background in her genepool-bar the collie x.......saw her mother but not the sire so was unsure of her true breeding til beddy was mentioned.....she knocks spots of at least 4 local "Laguna Whippets"....ive been asked time and time again off dog folk if shes from racing stock but just say shes a rescue dog as it saves all the waffle.....she started of a wimpy little flea infested,wormy scarred little bag of bones but i saw something in her and basically took her off the kid as the money he got would a been feeding the mother an
  9. fine specimens here rocky lad.......like how each dogs a similar stamp but different in other ways....nice wide gate on the left hand dog,sturdy and packing a punch. Same goes for the lighter pup,nice makeup in the cross and bet the fella whistles past them coneys?......respect kidda....deffinately be nice to meet up one day as mentioned before...ps my two look like whippets compared to these blighters....suppose each dog has its own merits and trick up its sleeve like?.... My little bull saluki still puts a proper smile on my face every time i take her oot..........keeps on going when my ma
  10. fine specimens here rocky lad.......like how each dogs a similar stamp but different in other ways....nice wide gate on the left hand dog,sturdy and packing a punch. Same goes for the lighter pup,nice makeup in the cross and bet the fella whistles past them coneys?......respect kidda....deffinately be nice to meet up one day as mentioned before...ps my two look like whippets compared to these blighters....suppose each dog has its own merits and trick up its sleeve like?.... My little bull saluki still puts a proper smile on my face every time i take her oot..........keeps on going when my ma
  11. cracking looking dog there for only 7month old-shes coming on lovely mate......i think all the smaller whippet cross types suffer from feet issues from time to time being that they have the pure preydrive and power to turn and push off again off the whippet genes but are sometimes(not always.)hindered by their extra bulk or dimensions being either wider,taller or longer than yer average "Pedigree whippet"...(a bit like being a bodybuilder wearing size 5 high heels...!)...i've had the odd feet issues with my smaller dog being that she's wider and has a bigger set of quad muscles than any straig
  12. areet rocky lad,im in jockland til the morn but need to get the dogs out sharpish...me beddy whippets just out of being in heat yesterday and caught a bunny 1st walk this morn and me saluki bull x grey's feeling jealous so a fancy an early rake about...Any tips local to us mate sunerderland any good or washy way nr nissan ish?
  13. any suggestions on a place that might still be active with coneys after 4.30hrs sat morn?.....in or just outside Co. durham as i have transport....? beamish,hexham way possibly??
  14. spot on there matey.....get a nice photo of him up once your sorted and hes back to normal....be nice to see him on here again...well done on gettin him back...luck certainly shone today...Jp
  15. lovely mix of a dog mate....im looking to back breed my beddyxgreyx whippet and think either beddy x or collie deerhound for a sire to put over my bitch when the time and funds are right...id be keeping at least 2 pups back no matter what the outcome is.....handy cross and very easy to work and live with.my beddy grey whippet is a cracker and just in season so hope to breed next time round....atb JP does anyone know of a mate or heard/seen these type of beddy,collie x or dhound bred dogs? as im interested in adding another 2 dogs to my 2 i already run as fresh feet and another bloodline t
  16. lovely mix of a dog mate....im looking to back breed my beddyxgreyx whippet and think either beddy x or collie deerhound for a sire to put over my bitch when the time and funds are right...id be keeping at least 2 pups back no matter what the outcome is.....handy cross and very easy to work and live with.my beddy grey whippet is a cracker and just in season so hope to breed next time round....atb JP
  17. yeah i deffo agree there folks.....very bright looking pup.looks agile sleek and hope the fella does the business for ya matey....top photography...top dog...all the best Anubis....jp
  18. spot on there jenky lad......my two are under lock and key when im out and close by when im home too.... far too many dodgepots sniffing about lately.......mines no bother at all indoors they just kip all day,dont know theyre here half the time....
  19. Crackin little lady there mate......got a mad look about her and a character that'll prove its worth on those bleak winter mornings as am sure shel be running rings around ya and keepin a smile on yer face too....lovely pair of dogs well done kidda...enjoy em especially the daft moments before she calms down into serious mode which im sure she'll certainly do one day....atb jp
  20. I agree pal......really keen looking dog and tip top condition for a worker,seems a million miles away from yer typical skinny,shy ring whippet....top marks..!!
  21. Spot on pair of dogs there mate!!!,looks like they have a nice bond already and like the stocky build on the pup...lovely thick paws and knuckles..should carry its weight well and sneak up on whatever its tryin to catch without much bother at all..looks very much like the build of my saluki bull cross but a bit more of the saluki face and ears...all the best mate,good luck with em.....jp... stubborn buggers (selective hearing)at times but well worth the effort...keep us posted buddy...
  22. Very capable looking pup there mate.nice thick,rough coat,bright eyes and big strong feet should be a great all weather dog.....really uncommon breeding line so should be good to hear how he comes on in the next year or so....all the very best with the little fella and keep us posted with some more pics if possible...cheers jp Ps how about the name "Sabre" or "Slice".....? watch out bunnies.!!!!
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