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Posts posted by SalukiBULLJP

  1. like em both......still tempted with a deerhound coss to add to my pack....big dog that like,,,big deep chest bet it'l go all day and night no slowing down....great pair of dogs pal...good luck in the season.. JP :thumbs:

    was the hancock type dog a first cross by the way mate?.. or is he a second generation out cross?...tattoo in ear?...my mate has one from Hancock..that got stolen whilst outside in the garden and was found by a vets in suffolk.....we hail from Co. durham..thieving swines....!!!

    • Like 1
  2. id avoie the older registered discovery,older maverick and terranos are soft and have cooling problems now and then but for the cheapness and off roading id get one .....keep it running a couple of years then maybe move onto a newer model when all the big cars come down in price...nobody will be driving them soon as the new tax and fuel costs come into force in 2014... :thumbs:

    ..........spelling error..avoid...was meant to say...!!
  3. id avoie the older registered discovery,older maverick and terranos are soft and have cooling problems now and then but for the cheapness and off roading id get one .....keep it running a couple of years then maybe move onto a newer model when all the big cars come down in price...nobody will be driving them soon as the new tax and fuel costs come into force in 2014... :thumbs:

  4. See one work,only 16"tts a couple a years ago and was a bit shakey and scatty yet fast....whippet x grey or whippet x beddy etc.Its all horses for courses...they all have their weaknesses but amazing to watch on rabbits....strike faster than most other crosses.....italian greyhound was bred for a purpose just like our lurchers are,lads have proven working lines all containing bits and bobs of different blood types wether it be collie,bul,grey,beddy,saluki,beardie,deerhound etc..all bred by folk for their own personal reasons.....ive a small 3/4 whipp x beddy grey,bigger than any straight whippet,heavier yet still even get vets and lurcher/whippet folk walking up and asking how olds yer whippet or is that a "Laguna blue"??..and even at a year old was asked if she was a "italian greyhound puppy" :yes: ..(by a qualified vetinary surgeon at the local vets when she had a deep slice to her front legs.....)... :huh:

  5. Bit of Terrier in there LOL, mostly Collie Grey :thumbs:

    22" and 45lb


    Cheers, D.

    hes like a proper dog....oldschool ha and i quite like him.

    Mate of mine once had a collie grey boxer cross...we were 14 years old at the time and that dog stil brings a proper smile to my face...looked strange but jees could he do the business. filled the bag every outing with us two chasing him up ad down...my first introduction to running dogs and was hooked...good pics mate shame about the rucksack snapping lol...!!

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  6. Grace



    .....Smart looking hound there Uphil,what breeding lines are in the dogs makeup,,,?...i have a similar looking bitch from working parents,obviously totally different lineage.

    She's a saluki x grey/bull x grey,very capable dog and just levelling out at 2 yrs of age...... :thumbs:

  7. ha ha simoman......sums up most shows nowadays!!!!! :thumbs: ...i only go to the small local ones and ones ran by the dog folk not market traders looking to sell some cheap tatt to a young kid new to lurchers terriers...for the exact same reason....i let my dogs do the talkin...loose lips sink ships etc etc,,,, :yes:

  8. im in a similar predicament as im into keeping a pup back off both my bitches. :yes: .another couple of seasons and il be ready just need to make sure my two girls make the grade..ive also done a lot of studying and reading up on the matter...linebreeding and inbreeding has got us all these well bred horses dogs cats infact every kind of domesticated animal and pet has originated from the method.......with working dogs it is however much more apparent to breed worker to worker and "proven dogs" to "proven dogs" to strengthen and keep those traits and qualities passin on down the breeding line....very interesting subject...

    all the very best with your future plans MRQuinn.....keep at it and pop up a post or inbox me if you get some good results....JP :thumbs:

    • Like 1
  9. My bitch wouldn't jump a tree trunk untill she stumbled upon a deer the other side of a farm gate....funny what a bit of motivation will do !!


    spot on there poyner mate..!!!!... :thumbs: my pair were never motivated or ever forced into jumping anything larger than knee height till a night out on open land bordering a wood with electric high fences...roe raised its head cleared the wire fence in one and both bitches stopped dead, cleared it and took chase......like you said,amazing what a bit of "motivation does"...!!!! :yes:

  10. yeah google it in the toolbar above...can get all different sizes and shapes for all types of dogs so make sure yer measure up your dog mate and its for a lurcher or whatever your dog happens to be?......theres an agility dog forum that has a link to a website dealing with stuff like this too.....training aids,cone collars, leads,.jackets etc...hope this helps?.....jp :thumbs: .

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