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About falconFN19mick

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. it appears my elevation and windage adjustments are'nt functioning correctly. Turning either of them is having no effect on the position of the cross ahirs, although they are still 'clicking'. Any ideas? Cheers.
  2. yeah, tho only sound is hammer hitting valve. taking it to be charged this morning and see how that goes, fingers crosd it is just totally empty.
  3. thanks for the links mate, i will buy the seal kit and query my local gun shop on the price to fit it as i have no confidence with regards to stripping it down despite the guide, a risk not worth taking for myself personally.
  4. well i have found a full seal kit on ebay for 15 quid, will just need to find somebody/gunsmith to carry out repair,providing o-rings/seals are the problem.
  5. well the lad claimed he had seals done the week i got it, because i wanted to get it on the wednesday but couldnt collect until the friday as he said it was in the gun smiths getting the new seal kit. i couldnt strip it myself due to inexperience so will have to pay to get it repaired unfortunately, any idea of rough cost?
  6. ok mate, thanks for the advice. i bought it off someone off gunstar second hand so no chance of taking it back. I will take it to get filled on saturday morning and go from there, if there is a leak, i will have to get that sorted, hope nothing too major or wallet emptying.
  7. so it would go from firing well one day, to zero in a week? coz [bANNED TEXT] i used it last, it was firing fine, so it must have lost pressure has it, like a bust seal, or not? thanks.
  8. any ideas? its got me worried as hell, just got it last week and it was meant to have had seal change a few days before i got it.
  9. it fired bout 70 or shots last weekend, then went away for the week, put a pellet in the magazine there just tonight, it clicked but no real noise, magazine empty but pellet didnt leave barrell, i can see pellet just beyond th first seal, its still int bloody barrell. Dont know what to do.
  10. Got my falcon raptor last week, took it to be filled last saturday, took it out, worked a dream. Took gun out of case tonight, won't fire, not even a sound, like it is dead or somethiong, but aint used it since last weekend when it was working fine. Any isdeas for diagnosis?
  11. ha ha, night night mate! ha. well i am looking forward to making a start on it, and i will no doubt find out what times i am best going as to not getting in peoples way, i would rather go when guarenteed empty to avoid any chew on with the golfin members, its their course, and i will be happier when i know i dont have to look over my shoulder to check a ball isnt flyin ast my head at 100 mph!
  12. hi everyone, it didnt take long to get my first permission, took a long shot and got in touch with a greenkeeper of a golf course up my way and he spoke to the golf club and sorted it all out straight away, just gota wait for it to come through in writing in the post. Not the best of permissions due to limited usage because some of the old codgers are ready to start playing golf dead early, but its a start so i am well chuffed. Used to play golf myself at that club so know its heaving with bunnys.
  13. yeah, thanks lads. I am in one of those frustrating areas where there are fields everywhere but they are all spoken for, or so the land owners often tell me. Sure i will get sortd soon and i am looking forward to cooking up some fresh kills.
  14. aye, i am guessing its just gona be a game of patience and looking around, keepin my fingers crossed.
  15. Hi everyone, new to forum and just recently purchased falcon fn19 raptor. Pleased with it so far but really looking forward to finding some permission in the north east to give it a thorough testing, but finding permission seems near impossible nowadays. Any tips?
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