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About jackgrant

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  • Birthday 01/08/1992

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    Im looking for a pup to work, if anyone knows of anyone let me no. :)
  1. I iv just paid 150 for a bull x gry lyk only 11 week onld f*****g beltter were you go out at lyk

  2. shes 4, shes a greyhound X staffie

  3. How old ya dog lyk and we go all over mate what dog ya got

  4. ah right, i did before with my mates old lurcher. i want to try mine but dont know where to start or where to go, where is it you go mate.

  5. Ryhope mate where ya go out hunting lyk ya do lamping lyk

  6. castletown mate, you?

  7. Where in sunderland ya from lyk mate

  8. Do i know you u added me as a friend?

  9. been trying to work her for a while but she's not really that keen so i just take her out for a mooch about with my mates when theyre working there dogs and sometimes she gets the odd rabbit when she can be bothered. i rescued her thou when she was still young she got badly abused but she's fine now except in kitchens for some reason, so am now on the look out for a pup who i can work while she mooches about and stays close to me.
  10. looking for a new pup to work

    1. mickyatch


      you still looking for a pup mate ?


    2. jackgrant


      yeah mate, you know about any

    3. mickyatch


      yes me mate on heres got a litter due handy dogs ... rocky one want me to find out some info ?

  11. they look nice them, i have a few mates who have used a similar cross and they have turned out as amazing working on rabbits, how many are left cos i would be interested ?
  12. im more keen to get my bullgreyhound x saluki workin with my mates dogs and terriers without wantin to stop and play in the middle of a field mate....shes keen as mustard just needs calming down a bit....its all gonna be worth the hassle when she starts coming back with stuff...good luck and keep in touch bud-im only along the road in county durham so be keen to help out...:@)

  13. Areet Jack??...im just starting my dogs off too and found that just spending the odd hour here and there off on some woods or a rarely used piece of fenced off land working at stopping the dog and clipping back its lead then setting it off again and making a fuss over it coming straight back helped tremendously mate....its the dogs nature to get excited over little things so just be patient son.

  14. yeah thats pretty much the same thanks.
  15. Need Some Help !

    1. niall_b73
    2. tb25


      just about to say that lol

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