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Everything posted by Clip

  1. I have a saluki X. Yeah i understand i can run him next to a bike, car etc. Was just wondering if there is any other things you guys do or is this the main way of bringing a dog to peak fitness? Sorry for the newbie questions, i'm sure you're all rolling your eyes at this one Clip
  2. Was hoping you guys could let me on on a few tricks of the trade on bringing your dogs up to peak fitness. I've heard alot about road work but is there anything else i can to to bring my dog on? Thanks Clip
  3. Great advice guys, thanks alot. This is his exercise schedule. Mornings is a brisk on lead walk, after i give him 15mins to do his business i bring him to heel and we walk non stop for about an hour round our village. This doesn't effect him in the slightest and he's ready to go again when we get home. Me on the other hand, i'm knackered! He gets his off lead walks in the afternoons, If we're just conditoning we're just down the kids palying feild and he free runs for about 30mins to an hour. We do distant recall training here and play retrieve games etc to tire him out. He gets pretty tired
  4. Thanks for you replies.There is no way that i'm giving up on him and not a chance in hell i'm getting rid. To answer your questions longdogrunner, i've had him from 4 months old and on the whole his recall is fine.I used various methods but had the best success with the long line. It's always at the same ground, we can not go there for weeks if not months but as soon as we're there its like we was there yesterday. We have other places we go and he'll occasionally chase at these but will come back quite quickly of his own accord and the one time he did disappear for longer was becasue he caugh
  5. Hi Go easy on me guys, i'm a newbie and i know i must sound daft to you lot I can't get my 2 year old saluki X to obey me when he's hunting up, we've had a couple of incidents know where he'll catch on to a scent and just clear off and he's gone for hours, he travels quite some distance too. I've been trying to line train him and keep him on a 30ft line for months, walking round this place we go. He's great on the line but he's not daft and when i brave an off lead attempt he's gone. The times this has happend he's been very succesful at catching his quarry (hare) but obviously due to th
  6. Hi All, Just a quick intro. My name is Dan, I've had my longdog for almost two years now, he's a saluki/grey X and he's coming up for 2 years old. He's a very keen hunter and has numerous catches uder his belt. If only i was a little bit of a better master, i feel i let him down sometimes with my lack of knowledge which is what led me to finding this site. This is a pic of him racing in a lure chase event last year. Dan.
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