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Everything posted by Clip

  1. Thanks Skycat, His spine has always been very prominent so it's something i've become used to but it could be due to a problem. He was castrated at about 10 months after nearly having him reclaimed by the rescue i got him from for not getting him done. It was part of the contract to get him done so it was a case of loose them or loose him and that wasn't an option for me. He's never really muscled up even after all the work i've put into him, could this be due to the problem do you think or just because he's had his nads off???? I have quite a few greyhound contacts and have just been giv
  2. Hi all, Not sure why i'm writing this as i know not much can bee seen from a photo but here goes anyway. I went to a terrier and lurcher show today, we went for a look more than anything but ended up entering in one of the shows with my lurcher. The judge told me from the out set when getting the dog checked over he wouldn't be placed because he's netured and she didn't like his torn ear and few war scars Anyway, what has worried me is that she clearly thought Clip had in the past suffered a major injury to his back legs or hips because of his gait and stance. Well i've had Clip from 4 m
  3. I have this problem too, the thing is if i walk away from him he couldn't care less and he'll lay and eat it. The only way i've got around this is to walk towards him and take it. We do plenty of dummy retrive training and he's 100% reliable at this but he still won't retrieve his catch. Any thoughts on this? Thanks
  4. Thanks skycat, Yes, i understand the importance of a well thought out fittness schedule and do run my dog with the bike for endurance training but over grass. All of the reading i've done on the subject of canine fittness and peak performance all try to deter from running on hard concrete claiming it can damage joints. As i'm a newbie to this i've just stuck to what i've read so please don't think i'm questioning your methods, i'm just trying to understand some more. What would trotting on concrete acheive that trotting on grass wouldn't, surely this will still toughen feet, tendons. No? T
  5. My lad split his webbing a while back, i cleaned it with salt water and kept him on the lead for a week or so hoping it'd heal but after a couple of weeks it was still the same. I was told about this ointment weleda that works well on all cuts and wounds. After using this for a few days and keeping him from running it healed excellent and we haven't had a problem with it since(touch wood). Maybe worth a try before you take other actions Clip
  6. Excuse my ignorance on this one but i can't see how running your dogs on the road can help them, i've always thought it best not to run them on hard surfaces. Can someone please explain???? Thanks, Clip.
  7. There is land just behind my house and hares are abundant there. Its a grass marsh land with big flat spaces in between. You can walk through there and loose count of how many you've seen. Dam that ban :whistle: Clip
  8. Hello all, Just a quick question on what terriers you guys work with your lurchers. I'm looking into getting one to bush for my lurcher but i'm unsure as to what would best suit us. I really like the look of the patterdale and they sound great dogs but i've read that they can be very posesive hunters, are they best suited to digging? What would be your ideal bushing terrier? Thanks Clip
  9. I've often wondered what a 1st X saluki/deerhound might turn out like. Anyone heard of such a X? Clip.
  10. Please excuse my ignorance but what are whippet grew/saluki grew? I thought a grew was a 1st X whippet/greyhound Correct me if i'm wrong but does whippet grew = a pure whippet X grew and a saluki grew = a pure saluki X grew? Clip
  11. Don't worry, I'm here to learn so i shall stop with what i'm doing and look into lamping. He's already got quite a few kills under his belt but none were provided by me so to speak. He's taken quite a few of the big ones when out on walks with him and this is where i come to my problem, obviously this can't carry on with the law the way it is. He hunts up for himself very successfully so i'm hoping if i can catch some rabbits with him this will satisfy his need to hunt and stay legal amd it sounds like lamping is the way to go. I think alot more training is needed with him though, he's gener
  12. He's a saluki X and a rescue dog so i'm not sure of the exact breeding. Here's some pics, At 6 months Recent Chasing a lure Clip
  13. OK, can anyone recomend a decent lamp and battery. Also, how do you train them to return when the lamp is off? Is there any really good methods or is it just simply recall training at night with lamp on, lamp off, call him in. And for retrieve, a simple retrieve exercise but again at night, throw dummy, find with spot light, release dog, lamp off, come to hand. Don't know if i've got the bottle to go out at night with him, he really is keen to get his nose to the ground and when he's on one theres no way in hell of getting him back. Clip
  14. Yeah, he's not the quickest from the start. Well thats the end of that game then, the search for new training ground continues. Thanks again Clip
  15. I've been trying to but the cover runs down one side of the feild and then along the bottom sort of like an L shape if you catch my drift. I hide right in the corner of the cover and watch the young ones come out from the side, i can get between them and the cover they come from but then they get to the cover along the bottom. No way could i lamp him, he's far to eager ot use his nose, i just couldn't trust him. This place is short cut grass so maybe isn't the best place to try him on. They are young ones that are coming far out of cover but they're still making there escape. Thanks
  16. Sorry, just going out at dusk. He's round about 2 and a saluki X, he's quite a big lad for a saluki/grey coming in at just under 29". He has a tendency to disappear and hunt up for himself and has become quite good at it but dew to the ban i'm having to keep that in check as i don't want to get in trouble. So as a training exercise i've been taking him out on the slip after some rabbits, slipping him and then calling him back and its been working great so far(touch wood)he's caught on quick that he gets another run alot quicker if he comes back to me and waits paitiently than trying to find an
  17. Hi, I've found a great place for rabbits, a little field not far from my house and just as its getting dark the place comes alive. I have been going there each evening for the last couple of days to give my dog a few slips. I've been taking cover and waiting for a few rabbits to come out of hiding and biding my time for some easy slips (or what i think are going to be easy) We've had a couple of close calls but the rabbits are hitting cover before he picks them up. I was wondering if i keep going there and he doesn't make a catch soon will he loose interest. I can't imagine this as i just
  18. Is there an official closed season on rabbits? Had a look around the site and found dates for every other quarry but not rabbit. Thanks, Clip.
  19. Thanks guys, Yeah, its not really the best time for me to think about another dog. I'm keen to get out though so might go out at sun up tomorrow. We're forecast showers here for most of the week, will the rabbits still be about? Now there is a newbie question for ya Clip
  20. OK, Thanks Wilba. He's learnt to use his nose with great effect already, i thought i could use it to our advantage, i didn't think about it encouraging him to do it even more so for himself. As for getting in amongst the thick myslef i'm not that worried about that. I used to work as a land maintenace worker and i'm quite used to being in the middle of thick bramble and up to my eye balls in nettles. Clip.
  21. Hi all, I've found a great place for daytime rabbits and was thinking of getting my saluki X there and doing a touch of bushing with him. It's just me and him so i'll be getting in the thick of it myself and flushing them out to him, I'm hoping this will help him realise we're a team and help with my other problem of him hunting up hare by himself and disapering for hours on end. I was hoping some of you guys could give me a bit of advice along the lines of when to go out, what weather conditions are best etc etc. I want to give us the best chance of at least getting a few good runs for t
  22. Lovely looking girl. I've been looking at the arab bred desert dogs, would love one. What breeder did you get her from? Only found karen fisher here and she won't return my calls. Clip
  23. I make a point of walking him, Rub downs, warm up stretches and always check his feet before any runnning. I do the same to cool down too. Is this sufficient? Clip
  24. Other than feeding and work what else do you guys do to keep them fit and in peak condition? Any general exercises etc. Thanks Clip
  25. I feed a mainly raw diet. I get cheap beef off cuts from my local butcher, it's what he makes his cheaper mince out of and comes in nice big chunks. This is what he's mainly fed on, that and tripe. He also gets lamb breast and neck, pork hocks,rabbit and chicken. To his meals i add either egg, full fat cottage chesse or natural yoghurt a few of times a week. He gets pulveriesed veg/fruit every other day and i also make him a oatmeal porridge twice a week. Should i be adding more carbs to his diet? Everything i've read tell me not to Thanks, Clip
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