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About Clip

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. Clip


    Regardless of how many races Top Honcho has raced or won there is no desputing his record for siring top class dogs. A dog don't get to be Champion UK sire 2001 through to 2007 and champion Irish sire 2002 through to 2007 for nothing. He sired Droopys Scholes http://greyhound-data.com/d?i=671218 Who i have a bitch from, Just take a look at his race stats, very impresive. Clip
  2. Cracking pup, could be a galgo with that tail Clip
  3. Kozzi, Would you deliver to Peterborough or is that to far afield? Thanks Clip
  4. I don't think it really works like that does it???? I always thought that you could know what went into the breeding but exact % is just nonsense. Genes aren't distributed evenly are they? Surely not? Clip
  5. I'm using clicker training with my ex track greyhound. I was never a big fan of the clicker, i tried it in the past with not much success. I'd read about it on the net and in books but it wasn't until i paid for a trainer to come to my house and show me how to do it properly that (excuse the pun) it clicked. Within an hour she had my grey very focused and OK she wasn't jumping through hoops but had learn't a very basic touch hand with nose = click = treat, which was amazing because for the last 7 months i've not been able to teach her a soding thing. From there i have taught her a down and sta
  6. Would love to see pics of a first cross, wonder if the borzoi coat comes through.
  7. I've read a few times now that borzois have great speed, how fast compared to your lurchers would you say she is? Clip.
  8. Just wondering if any of you have experience with this cross. What quarry did they take?, what do you think they could take? Any pics? Clip
  9. Hi there, I'll just give you my ten pence worth from my brief (7months) living with and trying to train an ex track bitch. As with all dogs you get your good and difficult ones, i'd spend alot of time thinking what you really want from the dog first, will he/she be a family dog or will you intend to try and train he/she to work? Then spend even more finding the dog that ticks all the boxes for you. I wanted a dog to work so i looked for one that was very keen and boy did i get that, she was a fighter on the track so no worries about gameness she just wasn't for racing. She's been very hard to
  10. Hello all, Was out with Clip yesterday and we had an unexpected and very untimely chase on a hare that popped up from out of knowwhere (he normally smells them if they're about and he hasn't seen them but there was no indication yesterday from him that anything was hiding around us) Anyway, after a good chase that seemed to go on forever he came back looking very lame. He wanted to sit and when io got him to his feet he would'nt put weight on his left fore leg and right hind, he was just putting his claws down basically tip toeing on the two mentioned legs. Now he's booked in to see my run
  11. What time is the racing if you book in by 22:00? Clip
  12. I've tried to put this in the items forsale, wanted, swap page but for some reason i can't post new topics in there. Does anyone know where i can buy a rad acu-stim pen from? I have a guy who i take my dogs too and he's going to teach me how to use one so i'd like to get one for myself. I've seen the battery operated ones on ebay but i'm looking for a mains powered one, something similar to the one in the picture below. Obvously not the massager, though not a bad idea. Thanks Clip
  13. Clip

    info please

    get a lurcher mate. i have a ex track bitch and she's as keen as mustard but as has no sense of the outside world. Nice enough dogs but not for working.
  14. Clip


    What range should i be zeroing the scope at so to make a good clean kill on rabbit? Thanks Clip
  15. Clip


    I've been on about getting a airgun for a while now andwas really supprised that my mother bought me one for christmas. Now without wanting sounding ungrateful it isn't really one i would have bought myself but as i've read mixed reviews on them i'm wondering whats your views are on them. I'm new to airguns and see it as a good starter riffle. Your views please. Clip
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