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Everything posted by stewie

  1. as a few of said mine would be tree surgery.....ive learnt alot about in the last couple of years but i think you need to learn it when your young and have no fear lol i can "climb" and use chainsaws in trees but no way on earth could i do a big oak take down with rigging etc saying that ive found a good climber now, got a mate with an 18 tonne grab lorry and a few lads that can drag so maybe "project manager" aint so bad.....lot safer on the ground...... never underestimate how hard them guys in the trees work.....looks easy at times but up there with a chainsaw and you life on a prussic
  2. its a mythical beast......just like "the otter"......
  3. is she still with billy?? lol
  4. ohhhhhhh my school is on fire.....
  5. i aint gonna say were title winners yet mate lol but rodgers can take us far imo!! sold reina, shelvey, carrol, downing and carras retired.....first time in a long time the main squads been the managers chioce.....one game at a time seems his plan of attack and at the min he is getting there
  6. yeah today proved they dont need one of the top premier strikers over the last few seasons lol agger was all over van persie.....rooney must of been like a raging bull to get on sell him and united are in big trouble
  7. top of the league!! brilliant result mate
  8. i was watching family guy after a few cans lol
  9. Pinned? You mean poll? Just see a wee green box on the left and let your fingers loose aye? aye just noticed that ffs lol
  10. that should fire the crowd up 2mora...... RIP bill from a plastic scouser from burton lol.....what a man not cut from the same cloth now!!
  11. what a thread!! thank the lord an important topic like this is pinned in the general.....we need more threads like this to keep the site running imo.......
  12. think ive set the standard there..... :whistling: get on with your holiday i no mate lol got on my hosts comp and couldnt resist a quick look on here...... having a great time tho, the country is just how i imagined it...........rough as f**k......... ive seen more live carp for sale in the supermarkets here than fish caught at the comp............ hope your all well...........
  13. think ive set the standard there..... :whistling:
  14. stewie


    take offfffff lol
  15. stewie


    sound mate --sorry I couldn't help have a great time and I`ll catch you for a beer when you get back ...no worries mate i never had to pay the parking anyway lol yeah see you for one when im back you weiged the van in... no mate got to home in it next week lol
  16. stewie


    sound mate --sorry I couldn't help have a great time and I`ll catch you for a beer when you get back ...no worries mate i never had to pay the parking anyway lol yeah see you for one when im back
  17. stewie


    cheers lads got to luton ok in the van stig lol
  18. stewie


    well ill be on my way in 6 hours lol............gotta say im really looking forward to this little trip.........
  19. kunt Lol lol..... Pil you won the UTD Shirt really mate.... I'll send it on, I'm just getting Rooneys name put on it lol..
  20. stewie


    it won't sound the same coming from me mate, but you're still a deluded scouse kunt! :D still sounds good to me mate lol 2nd with a game in hand tho....keep going like that and it could be our year
  21. hows your heed today......
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