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Everything posted by stewie

  1. I'd need to bring some proper lager down though....'TENNETS'..........cant drink all that pish you have down there.... your welcome anytime mate ill show how a proper dog pegs pheasants and other birds TENNENTS lol shite mate i drink four cans of super before work each day and dont feel a thing :thumbdown: @ bogger :feck: Sorry i cant take part in any sort of pheasant poaching....... You drink 4 cans before work.......dont you drive around?........."OH ARTIC, OH ARTIC....xmas bonus for you!!!!"..... i only do it cause it takes away the stress of having no licence,tax,
  2. stewie

    Auld firm

    was it as boring on the telly as it sounded on the radio :whistling: great advert for scottish football :laugh:
  3. yes mate but he looks like a f*****g cripple so never posted it lol but as you asked missed out the little dogs oh and bluey your game bred bull terrier mate he should make a good dog good luck with him
  4. I'd need to bring some proper lager down though....'TENNETS'..........cant drink all that pish you have down there.... your welcome anytime mate ill show how a proper dog pegs pheasants and other birds TENNENTS lol shite mate i drink four cans of super before work each day and dont feel a thing :thumbdown: @ bogger :feck:
  5. yeah shame boggers tea was ready so had to be in :laugh: but was a good crack after you left mate defo have to stay over next time :thumbs: Bet thats bogger holding the 3 dogs eh? Am sure thats the same pair of trackies and same black top he had as an avatar......ffs bogger change your f*****g clothes once in a while... :sick: :rofl: i was thinking that to mate but its not its buster8786 the arms to big for boggers bingo wings :rofl: .....sorry Buster.........oh please tell me that Bogger is build like a pull threw for a .177......?.. im saying nothing mate he kno
  6. you sure you spelt thick right
  7. yeah shame boggers tea was ready so had to be in :laugh: but was a good crack after you left mate defo have to stay over next time :thumbs: Bet thats bogger holding the 3 dogs eh? Am sure thats the same pair of trackies and same black top he had as an avatar......ffs bogger change your f*****g clothes once in a while... :sick: :rofl: i was thinking that to mate but its not its buster8786 the arms to big for boggers bingo wings :rofl:
  8. yeah shame boggers tea was ready so had to be in :laugh: but was a good crack after you left mate defo have to stay over next time :thumbs:
  9. its to late he labs just pm me saying hes already copied it
  10. only chance we all had to get together mate and it wasnt that hot it was a couple of weeks back plus we were not running anything and were no more than 20 mins from a lake,river,pond or a canal!!! dogs like a walk out in the sun to
  11. but we shut all the gates behind us :angel: nothing special just a few pics of a mooch out with a few lads on here to give the dogs a stretch, had good day out and a good night out after dog in middle and bitch on right out the same litter and black dog on the left is there half brother the blues sisters sorry pics are late lads comps been playing up again
  12. stewie

    WOW lab seems really keen to get you into his shower baw lol!!!

  13. Cause there all shite.......... like all the scottish teams then :yes: You just redeemed yourself there..........Lab was about to get angry..... Just for you though 'Lurcher1'....... http://youtube/iodsuIr1zD ......................remember... sorry lab you set yourself up for that one good luck today against rangers mon the hoops :laugh: but the links not worked mate?? Enjoy now mate................ still not working mate
  14. im a rasta here me now me gon smoke me spliff ya bumbaclot
  15. Cause there all shite.......... like all the scottish teams then :yes: You just redeemed yourself there..........Lab was about to get angry..... Just for you though 'Lurcher1'....... http://youtu.be/iodsuIr1zDk..........................remember... sorry lab you set yourself up for that one good luck today against rangers mon the hoops :laugh: but the links not worked mate??
  16. its boyo they got to play chelsea and arsenal yet so its not in the bag yet ill f*****g love it if they f**k up arsenal have got to beat bolton away today or they are out tho
  17. Cause there all shite.......... like all the scottish teams then :yes: sorry lab you set yourself up for that one good luck today against rangers mon the hoops
  18. why dont you support a welsh team
  19. good result lad but id keep my mouth shut now if i was you its done with now dont go shouting about the result or next time you might not be so lucky
  20. under diffrent circumstances we might not have got on :notworthy: funny as f**k mate!!!!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nQil1DnISQ
  22. happy st georges day to you all
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