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Everything posted by stewie

  1. No c**t likes yous? GOTTA BE A SCOTTISH TRAIT Or yous think yous are the best at everything? THOUGHT THAT WAS A WELSH TRAIT There ye go choices..... Us English rule without us you Scott's and welsh would implode youve f****d it now............
  2. No c**t likes yous? Or yous think yous are the best at everything? There ye go choices..... well we had scots and the welsh up "mate" so had to stick us for a slagging lol
  3. your the best of the british................
  4. Unless you have ever been the victim of being put on an Anti website and having your family threatened etc etc Fair enough , I never considered that , I,m beginning to regret using my own name now this anti is looking for buttercup...............
  5. hence why im f****d............
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-23600819
  7. What about 3pm when a cub scout or girl guide comes knocking to sell some buns or something should the dog be trained to tear into any stranger that aprroaches the house?No dog should be trained to be indescrimatnatley aggressive, defensive yes but too many think a dog attacking somone is part of dog ownership if somone else oversteps the mark.In my opinion and it s only my opinion if you own a dog no matter a breed it should be under control whether in the home or not.
  8. @ 7.95 worth a gamble stick it in bamfords do you think the internet has been a bad or good thing in this game mate??? i bet some dealers hate it as everyone can just google it and found out its history and worth in seconds.......... bad everyone can find out the value in minutes -- even ebays a price guide ---i got a call to buy some bits from a house some nice bits i bid fair money but she was on the i phone pricing it all up at the top end i came away with a Victorian bow top trunk out of 30 odd items i bid her on -- paying out cash in hand you expect a fair return -- i put a lot of t
  9. @ 7.95 worth a gamble stick it in bamfords do you think the internet has been a bad or good thing in this game mate??? i bet some dealers hate it as everyone can just google it and found out its history and worth in seconds.......... I was thinking about that a while ago. Pesonally I think it is swings and roundabouts. Firstly it show that things are not as rare as previously thought, you can also find the provenace of an item PDQ, The upside is bigger audience for your sales. TC
  10. what qualities do you think she would bring to the mating???
  11. @ 7.95 worth a gamble stick it in bamfords do you think the internet has been a bad or good thing in this game mate??? i bet some dealers hate it as everyone can just google it and found out its history and worth in seconds..........
  12. im tempted to buy that lol
  13. the seller said it would get "smashed" but i think he sold it just for cash, so he and his mates could go and get mashed
  14. dont think its the same one??? but the poem colin didrikson (99.9 % it was him) put in EDRD years ago about terriers was a quality piece of work............ as one the one he did about the lurcher...........
  15. a guard dogs job aint to kill someone!! the nobs who have dogs as status symbols that aint gotta clue whats on the end of the lead are the ones who need jailing when it goes tits up
  16. if them walls could talk!!!! top pic spooked me out and ive got paranormal activity on as well...........
  17. or maybe that could be seen as just being themselves and not hiding behind a false internet persona.............. i also belive that half of them think that what happens on here stays on here, like there own little world and so it should..............
  18. or maybe that could be seen as just being themselves and not hiding behind a false internet persona..............
  19. f**k it mate, its sunday.............
  20. what you met him sneaking around in countryside car parks at night?? not surprised really........
  21. anyway......... remember this is the banter free thread..............
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