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About tiedog

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 15/11/1971

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  1. out last night lurcher on the run got is prey but fell on is elbow woke up this morining he is lame and their is a lump looks like a soft ball what pain relief is their i can get over the counter or any decent blokes in merseyside who can help me no divvys though please
  2. wandering you still got caller can it be use straight away or need stuff downloaded if you still have would like to buy it can come up only in liverpool
  3. have you still got the caller mate if so any chance come up an pick it up only in liverpool see
  4. if you got them boxes need a smoker aswell let me know soon as buddy for my lad see just startin off with terriers
  5. ave you still got the terrier boxes mate how far down you from merseyside defo want them boxes if you not sold them and not right down bottom of map
  6. Glad to here tha urs was 5. He doin all the stuff on top like bushin rats wild cats but he never been to ground sum bullshitters on here ended up sayin to 1 divvy well I got a car when u go out next let my dog cum ur the 1 with the mouth he never replied bac yet the is geniune fellas on here that have give me sum tips my lad put a pic up of dog jayjay1995 I think it will make the grade if I find exprienced dog to get it out wit thanks for ur tip
  7. Ok tar. Had the dog since a pup jus need to find a good working terrier to get him out with my lad goes out lampin see so am taking the terrier on
  8. jus like to say thanks to some people who had decent comments to help yeh then there is the nasty person who for some reason think there better than anyone else well one day they will need some advice the dog is 18mths old thats why some these dogs f****d up people trying them to early and there to inpatient so time will tell
  9. my lad jayjay1995 put a pic of him up he got a lurcher aswell jus starting out doin quite well thanks
  10. thanks bobby an blackbuck the other fella jusdigit never took me up on my offer so you have to think to urself ha will try what you have said cos he is a good dog maybe he needs to see wats down their tanks lads
  11. well are you a top terrierman an if so take me with my dog and show me how it should work then mr jusdigit cos everyone else as been helpful and it does not matter were it was bred anyway it could have been bred in a f***ing cellar so i disgree about colne wat you said
  12. the dog as ragged dead foxes smashed wild cats i think i need to find a exprienced dog thats doin the job so thanks for your help the dog is 18mths now could be he knows there nowt at home boss at working scent above ground so will try some other stuff tthanks lads
  13. my lad got this terrier frm fella in colne good working lines he got grandparents aswell father one dog machine but are terrier doing the job on top rats etc bushing but wont go to ground goes half way then comes out but it smells so you know something there boss dog above ground is parents doing job the fella who bred him got good dogs the terrier is so game aswell so any adive would be great just thinking maybe he has to go with another terrier cannot understand it does water catching rats so should not be scared should it so come on lads rattle your heads an help us
  14. how times have changed no old spot light off the landrover motorbike battery these new lamps are good but can be pricey anyway his lurcher taking rabbits twisting and turning love it cow shit up your boots wind blowing at your face great well after 20yrs not havin any dogs and goin with my lad of 18 thats it goin to get myself alittle poachers dog his bit big for me got bit foxhound bit of greyhound bit of everything in it hope it takes all quarry next year for him it only 15mths now i say dont enter to early but young lads today know it all mind you i done it myself haha , went to sco
  15. my lad is after collar an locator were about r u am in liverpool
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