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Everything posted by mudluvver

  1. cheers for the advice, will probably pick up a working hob kit from one of this years litters and get him vasectomised for next year........ i love my home brew too, got some very nice blackberry port from last year and some mind blowing scrumpy!!! have had a very kind ofer from a ferreter in cardiff but maybe a little too far affield for me so am still looking if there is anyone closer to bristol who can help?? cheers matt
  2. cheers for the encouragement but i wish someone would take me up on my offer perhaps i should paint a picture of the 250 acres of permission i have just obtained with hedgerows ful of warrens that have never been ferreted.......
  3. Hi everyone, Am in a little bit of a predicament...............my jill has come into season and having recently moved back to bristol i no longer have a means of taking her out as my friend with a vasectomised hob is on the other side of the country. I have toyed with the idea of breeding her as she is the best working ferret i have ever had but i am away in the first few weeks of august and dont want to leave someone else with the responsibility of keeping an eye on a new mother and the kits that i want to keep back, also i dont want to miss out on the vital time of handling and socia
  4. congratulations!! it was the same for me with the double take, they are not stupid and they know whos feeding them!!
  5. Hi there, My name is matt and i am fairly new to the hunting life forum, signed up a while back but havnt had much of a chance to utilise this forum to its fullest. I have been ferreting, shooting, trapping, snaring etc for a number of years, and i was lucky enough up until recently to work as a bushcraft instructor, teaching youngsters about the countryside and its ways!! from my brief look around this forum i can see that there is a wealth of information to be gained and i look forward to getting involved more with this forum and talking to like minded people. On another note I want
  6. one of my jills escaped while i was living on a farm last year, scoured the surronding fields for days praying that she hadnt found her way into the pheasant pens, not a sign of her for 3 days, then while i was standing in one of the barns chatting to the keeper she popped out from the back of an old fridge!!! likelyhood is that he will try and find somewhere warm to hole up and sleep, so it would probably pay to ask your neighbours if you could check their sheds, outbuildings etc, you might get lucky with the live traps tho. best of luck!!
  7. I would also like to know where you can the mark 3 for that price, as the cheapest i could find when buying mine was £170???
  8. For sale new deben ferret finder MK3 high viz locator and collar, the one with the built in magnet for turning the collar on/off. It has only ben put on a ferret once, was brought for this season, but have had no time to use it. Selling for genuine reason, is fully functional and is in mint condition. Also comes with a deben keyring magnet for turing the collar on/off more easily and 4 spare batteries for the collar (Which are quite hard to find!!). Looking for £125 posted or £120 if the buyer was to collect in person. Would accept payment via Paypal or cash in person. Live near to Newport, Sh
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