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Tomm Parr

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Everything posted by Tomm Parr

  1. There are some cheeky swine about. It's half the reason why everyone is wary of sharing their permissions with others, just in case they get shafted by someone they have tried to help. I'm new to my area and it's difficult trying to any permission so I can see why you are so cross that yours has been abused. Mind you................ Once you have confirmed who they are, don't just 'name and shame' them here, you ought to 'name and shame' them at the local police station. I'm sure PC Plod might want to hear of a suspected poacher and where he lives etc.....
  2. a bull terrier with a massive heeeed that got it stuck in a wire fence
  3. that pic is an absolute gem. you ought to ask Sir David A for a job on his next wildlife series........
  4. well lad,well bred pups aren't even 100% guaranteed to make it so please tell everybody how his tricoloured rubbish are expected to make it.i think your grade is a lot different to my grade. i didn't think that colour had any effect on a dog's working ability. it doesn't lad but when a fool advertises black and white and TRICOLOUR patterdales for 200 a worthless pup,my first thought is to let any young lads reading his lies and deceit that they should avoid his rubbish.also in case you dont know any better,patterdales dont come in tricolour.this fool has no interest in working
  5. well lad,well bred pups aren't even 100% guaranteed to make it so please tell everybody how his tricoloured rubbish are expected to make it.i think your grade is a lot different to my grade. i didn't think that colour had any effect on a dog's working ability. it doesn't lad but when a fool advertises black and white and TRICOLOUR patterdales for 200 a worthless pup,my first thought is to let any young lads reading his lies and deceit that they should avoid his rubbish.also in case you dont know any better,patterdales dont come in tricolour.this fool has no interest in working
  6. well lad,well bred pups aren't even 100% guaranteed to make it so please tell everybody how his tricoloured rubbish are expected to make it.i think your grade is a lot different to my grade. i didn't think that colour had any effect on a dog's working ability.
  7. beautiful things to watch. we see loads of them in the eaves at the mrs' parents house and outbuildings; rather see them out and about of a an evening, rather than being mobbed by flies and moths
  8. If you look into the hole where the filling probe goes there should be a screw which secures the barrel shroud to the air cylinder, undo this and pull the shroud away from the gun it should slide off. Now take the scope off and there should be 4 grub screws, undo these and the barrel should slide out of the breach and give you access to where the pellets are stuck. Im telling you this on the bases that the webley venom viper is the one based upon the webley raider, if not completly ignore this. Richard cheers Richard, my VV is about 13 years old. Is the Raider an earlier ve
  9. meat is hung, persons are hanged
  10. Hazel is very good i like to use holly. You can find holly branches or small shrubs that are straight as a dye. Also they are much stronger than most woods. It is heavy but dries out nice and light after 12m or so. Never cut down the main trunk though, it's the worst possible thing to do... if you are superstitious, that is....
  11. If the dog is young and healthy you probably don't have ttoo much to worry about. However, fur loss is a symptom of 'cushing's disease'. CD is a liver disease that ultimately packs in the liver and has to be managed with daily tablets (my last dog got it when he was older). If the fur loss gets worse then take it to the vet to check.
  12. It's a Speckled Wood. someone out a pic up last week of one too
  13. I think its a Willow Warbler. As JDarcy states, the song'll give it away. Chiffchaffs have darker legs, i think. Definately not a Wood Warbler (they are greener), or a Dartford Warbler (as they're black).
  14. Obviously we know foxes often turn black due as they age (like our hair going grey). The rounded ears are probably just a natural mutation. However, mutations and variety becomes especially common in an environment full of easy food (such as lambing/chicken farms/towns full of rubbish) where it doesn't matter if any foxes differ from the rest or stick out like a sore thumb. On a bit of a tangent: In Russia, geneticists have domesticated foxes (over a period of 30 years) in a bid to learn more about domestication. After several generations they noticed patched/spotted/brighter/darker fur,
  15. I was born in Wolves 33 years ago. When i was 5 we moved away for my dad's work. Everytime we went back to see family when i was a teenager, my dad always said that moving away was the best thing he ever did for me and my younger brother. I wonder if the Poles might get deported to their homeland........? That's what happened to that British crim in Australia...... I'd set the f*****g dogs on them, unfortunately though, i don't make the laws.
  16. anyway, so i hear that 'Muslims against Crusades' are planning protests in London, Manchester and Bristol, to try and disrupt the celebrations of the Royal wedding. :sick: Any thoughts gents (and ladies)...........................?
  17. i think i remember that happening a few years back. never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
  18. If you look into the hole where the filling probe goes there should be a screw which secures the barrel shroud to the air cylinder, undo this and pull the shroud away from the gun it should slide off. Now take the scope off and there should be 4 grub screws, undo these and the barrel should slide out of the breach and give you access to where the pellets are stuck. Im telling you this on the bases that the webley venom viper is the one based upon the webley raider, if not completly ignore this. Richard cheers Richard, my VV is about 13 years old. Is the Raider an earlier ve
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