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Tomm Parr

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Everything posted by Tomm Parr

  1. There are dandelions everywhere at the moment, so here is is a recipe for all the wine lovers. Its my own method; there are hundreds of ways of making each wine. Dandelion wine - makes a gallon (about 5-6 bottles) pan1 - 1 lb flowers, 5pints water. simmer 20m, strain, discard flowers. Add juice of a lemon and orange, 1 cup raisins. pan2 - 2lb sugar and 1 pint water. stir and simmer until sugar is dissolved. Mix pots and cool to room temp. Add started yeast and fit the airlock. When bubbles stop, rack the wine. RACKING - siphon to new dj, leave sediment in old one, top up new dj wi
  2. Bulls sure as hell can't run fast enough to catch a fox and their arse sticking up in the air when their big head gets stuck in a hole can't be a pretty sight. It ain't rocket science what you'd use one for with a fox. I think this whole thread is a trap.
  3. KC always ends up screwing the dogs, breeding only for shape and colour, thus affecting the temperament over time. They have destroyed so many breeds over time and turned them into lapdogs. Mind you if you cross a KC dog out of the show scene once or twice you might throw out something interesting. Depends why a dog is shown i suppose, some folk are proud of their dogs as good examples of a working breed - No problem. Other folk just want the £££ from selling pups from 'perfect' examples of a breed - Not good.
  4. Is that the said lass on your avatar?? Class story, mate!! I hope you aren't suggesting that the gentleman in the story was me...., the lass on my avatar indeed! Pistols at dawn Cheers mate
  5. Lots of blokes said 'get a plummer' if she wants a bushing terrier that won't go to ground. Which seems to make sense as Plummers aren't supposed to be keen on going under. However... I've a Plummer-x-Russell and when he is supposed to be bushing, he always tries to sneak down holes. I know lots of chaps want that but foxes have never really interested me, so it is a pain in the neck when the dog tries to disappear. Maybe get a plummer-x-russell cross? Or failing that you can borrow mine!
  6. might help,but the pineapple does work Why Dogs Eat Poop: 20 Reasons 1. Your dog might be hungry. If your dog doesn't have access to food, he might eat poop. 2. Some dogs will eat poop to clean up an area like a housekeeper. This is most likely if your dog is confined to a crate or kennel, or when he's chained up or otherwise restricted. He's taking care of his space. 3. If your dog likes to carry poop, and then eat it, it could be genetics. Some dogs have instincts to carry stuff in their mouths. 4. Your dog might be eating poop because of parasites or worms. They can
  7. Bang on! UKIP all the way There's no reason why we can't be out of the EU and still do fine. Switzerland and Norway manage to do it, trading with all the EU countries in the same way they did before there was an EU. Incidentally, i was led to believe that there are only 4 EU states that actually pay full EU membership fees..... UK (naturally), France, Germany, (i think)Holland. The rest of them don't even pay their membership fees but still get full access to EU funds. Isd that fair? UKIP all the way.........
  8. Gerard shmerard, he still dives a bit too much for my liking, mayeb he has an italian grandparent
  9. A yellow card. Torres is a diving pig. Perhaps he picked those shenanigans up from Gerard at Liverpool. He should have at least a few inches of one of his legs amputated as punishment for such a pathetic attempt at conning the referee. He is a big foreign jessy torres never played under houllier I know, i meant Steven Gerard
  10. A yellow card. Torres is a diving pig. Perhaps he picked those shenanigans up from Gerard at Liverpool. He should have at least a few inches of one of his legs amputated as punishment for such a pathetic attempt at conning the referee. He is a big foreign jessy
  11. He's about as good as a £35 million Andy Carrol ! This is whats wrong with the world ! Paying money like this for footballers when a Premier game is priced out of a normal persons range; £40 for a ticket !! I'd rather take the dogs for a walk ! A shit premier footbaler is on around £20 grand a week, the super stars are on £100-250 grand a week !!! Can you imagine how much that is ??!!! Most of us on this site will never see that much in our lives !! And the best paid of them are ignorant chavs like Rooney !! FFS !! Cheers. why ye picking on poor rooney lol because he reminds
  12. don't forget, you can only shoot certain species of birds.........
  13. They are usually only winter visitors to the UK. It must have been blown off course from Scandinavia.
  14. Many years ago, whilst a schoolboy, a pal of mine rear-ended a fatty in the doorway of pizza hut after a night's libations and debauchery. Mid-coitus, a police car pulled up. He expected to be arrested for outraging the public decency..... however, the policeman just laughed at the size of his ride (she was a whole lot of woman, too much woman for some) and drove off. Humiliating indeed.... 10 minutes of pissed up frustrated shagging later (well, he'd started so he had to finish), the same police car came back with THREE policeman inside (th eoriginal one and two interested onlookers), all p
  15. I was just about to say that it was a sandwich tern (honestly), its the only specie with a white body and black beak, all the other white species have red beaks (or yellow for the little tern)
  16. Good recipe, I like a good stew. You can make your own chicken stock by boiling up the split bones and reducing it, more healthy than oxo cubes! We sometimes use a little crushed black pudding for richness.
  17. I reckon you'd need to rope up before you climbed on
  18. cheers pal, wish everyone was as honest and helpful. Once my pup gets his first rat i'll put a pic up!
  19. I tried to say suggest similar to this (that you can breed/train a good dog from what seems like show/shit stuff) on another thread and got grief for it. I agree with you though!
  20. In their own natural environment (the US) American Mink are not such a problem (i think ...) as they are part of natural food webs and get predated in the same way that they predate other critters. Trouble is, in the UK, the American Mink isn't part of a natural food chain, so they are a menace, with no direct natural predators (other than opportunist hawks). They have wiped out entire ground nesting bird colonies and water vole populations in some areas.
  21. food and fun for me. fun and exercise for the dog.
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