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Tomm Parr

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Everything posted by Tomm Parr

  1. I knew there'd be some clown with nothing better to do other than poke fun. I was asking for help; I thought that that's what the forum is for. My last dog never had a drippy dick in 14y and seeing as none of my pals' dogs had had it, i thought i'd ask like-minded blokes on the forum. I don't have a 'dogs dicks' manual (maybe some fellers do, whatever floats your boat) and couldn't wait to order a book on Amazon, or read bullshit on Wikipedia. So cheers for the useful replies the rest of you.
  2. inside or outside? Had a few today myself but managed to make it indoors everytime Yeah, i did a poo a few hours ago, the dog has done 3 today already
  3. The 'rehabilitation of offender's act' http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/infocentre/acts/roa2001.pdf (right at the bottom) tells you when certain types of convictions and cautions are deemed spent, meaning you don't need to disclose them on an application. Certain professions and employments are exempt from the Act so that individuals are not allowed to withhold details of previous convictions in relation to their job when applying for positions in similar fields. They are not just for those working with kids/vulnerable adults, so be careful: Those working with children and other vulnera
  4. Dandelion flowers - for making wine Dandelion leaves - good in salads in small amounts (more bitter than the cultivated version called Rocket), great with worcs sauce Dandelion roots - cleaned, fried and served with soy/worcs sauce hawthorn leaves - great in salads, nice and nutty ramsons (also called wild garlic) - delicious in cold salads, preserved, cooked instead of garlic (handful instead of a clove) stinging nettle leaves - more iron than spinach, boil and chop with butter, or make beer/mead Sea beet (also called wild spinach) - super duper good for you, more iron than nettles Ja
  5. tally ho! bet she goes at it like a fox after eggs in henhouse :kiss:
  6. Thats sounds divine thanks for that and hopefully this should get the ball rollling. The thing is im going to try and make a cooking leaflet based on just pigeon recipes and then publish it on here and see what goes from there so thanks for that fry up some bacon lardons in a pan until crisp. rub the swith some crushed pepper and juniper, then fry them in the bacon fat. serve with green salad (wild garlic, dandelion, crumbled goat cheese, salt, olive oil, lemon juice, white wine vinegar) and potato salad (boiled spuds, spring onions, chives, butter, mayonnaise). make sure you p
  7. Serious question. My pup is 8m and i do a bit of mooching and whenever we're out he gets dirty, naturally. However, every few weeks, his nob appears to get infected, looking pussy and weepy. I've dabbed (please stop laughing ) it with salt water a couple of times and it then appears to be sorted, only to come back a week or two later. HAs anyone seen something similar? He has been getting frisky recently and tries to hump other dogs as well as the bedmat in his kennel, if i touch or move it. Any ideas? this is a serious question, despite first impressions. Help appreciated.
  8. Seriously, fruit licquers are a piece of cake to make. You can use virtually any fruit to do it. 1. Fruit (or fruitflowers) up to a third high in the bottle/dj/container. 2. Sugar to halfway (it'll drop through the fruit later on) 3. Add some spices if need be (never more than 1tsp of each spice per bottle) 4. Add the spirit of your choice to fill the container/bottle. Lid it. 5. Turn every day for 2-3m. 6. Strain fruit and keep the juice. (You can use the fruit then for cakes or sauces) We did 5 licquers last year (as well as ten types of wine): cherry brandy, elderflower vodka,
  9. My mrs mentioned water infections and i thought she was pulling my leg. Cheers mate
  10. It could be due to an old internal injury from old bump/bruise. Or could be something as simple not being used to the diet yet. If there is something seriously wrong, you not knowing could make it worse. Make sure you get to the vets on Monday when you can. Good luck.
  11. Serious question. My pup is 8m and i do a bit of mooching and whenever we're out he gets dirty, naturally. However, every few weeks, his nob appears to get infected, looking pussy and weepy. I've dabbed (please stop laughing ) it with salt water a couple of times and it then appears to be sorted, only to come back a week or two later. HAs anyone seen something similar? He has been getting frisky recently and tries to hump other dogs as well as the bedmat in his kennel, if i touch or move it. Any ideas? this is a serious question, despite first impressions. Help appreciated.
  12. Quite right, heat and ferrets don't mix well. I fill some empty coke bottles with water and freeze them Thanks for reminding us all! can you please let me now how you get the ferrets in the bottles as im haveing trouble getting them in thanks
  13. f**k me, are you sure that one in the second pic is a pig? It looks like a steer! My bro got chased by a wild pig a few years back when we went running in the wood one morning. Glad it wasn't that big
  14. .......big butts and I can not lie. You other brothas can´t deny, that when a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and A round thing in your face. You get SPRUNG...................
  15. seems a lot of herbs ? Yep but that's just down to my personal preference. I love spicy Paprikash type stews and that's partly influenced my recipe for oxtail soup. If you don't like all the herbs and spices, you could swap marjoram/oregano for parsley. Or you can leave out the fennel seeds/chilli/cinammon. Mind you i'd defo keep the paprika and junipers in though as they go really well with strongly flavoured meats like oxtail.
  16. Yep. In a big oven pan (no plastic handle) - sear a few lbs of oxtail pieces in oil and butter. add chopped veg (i use celery, and onion, however you can use leek, carrots as well). cook for 5m. Add a glass of white wine OR a splash of white wine vinegar OR a splash of cider vinegar. Boil off the liquid just added for a minute or so on high heat. Add 1 tsp of each: crushed fennel seeds, crushed junipers, cinnamon, chilli (flakes OR dry OR fresh), salt, black pepper. Add a heaped tablespoon of paprika. Add a few pounds of fresh chopped tomatoes OR a few tins of them. Enough tomatoes to
  17. I am a mad homebrewer and forager and shall have to have a look at that book and have ago at that balckberry whisky later in the year. Here's a licquer you can try soon for Elderflower vodka. Similar recipe: Flowers up to a third of the bottle/jar, sugar to halfway, vodka to the top. shake every day. Have ago at limoncello too if you like your licquers
  18. maybe she just had a bad pint or a dodgy pie one evening and was full of wind. did the hutch smell when you checked her?
  19. A swollen belly might mean that he has roundworm. I'd get him on some worming medicine if i were you. If hw is still bloated in a week, get him to the vets. cheers mate i was thinking along that line i think i will take him tomoz Let us know how it goes. good luck
  20. A swollen belly might mean that he has roundworm. I'd get him on some worming medicine if i were you. If hw is still bloated in a week, get him to the vets.
  21. Right then, lets create a story. I shall start off with something. Then feel free to add a short sentence or clause to extend the story (not too long) then post it. Here we go..... Once upon a time in a kennel far far away.....
  22. So what breed are they and how big are their hearts?
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