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Tomm Parr

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Everything posted by Tomm Parr

  1. and I thought I had too much time on my hands....
  2. 100% a cockchafer larva if it was found in the soil; one that big could be three years old. They matrure slowly and can cause devilry in the garden if there are a few of them in a small area: They eat into the roots of shrubs and large plants and damage them considerably. Did you chuck it over the fence...?
  3. I'm not sure what Royalty has to do with a debate about standards in state schools. :wacko:
  4. this is a different story, selling an incapable dog that is young is totally different than selling a dog thats worked hard enough for you to keep it, and then giving it away when its had years of being attached to you. Yep and it's dead easy to rehome a older dog but why rehome a dog that someone has taken into their "home"? It totally fu.cks them up but I guess it's an easy option It must be traumatic for a dog to be rehomed at any age but when they're pups they forget easily. The older the get, the more disruptive it is for them surely?
  5. I was a teacher for several years, secondary and primary. I packed it in for two reasons: I was sick of babysitting little shits who'd no desire to learn, who wanted only to disrupt lessons and attract attention. I was sick of dealing with some parents moaning and complaining that i'd had the 'cheek' (!) to tell off their child. During my time as teacher (this is not the same for all schools/kids/ parents/teachers, it is my experience only), many parents were absolutely amazed that i'd 'dared' to discipline their 'little angel'. Some became angry and even violent when told about iss
  6. beautiful pics. They're usually gone this time of year though aren't they?
  7. lovely pics. A yellowhammer and a marsh tit if i am not mistaken.... ....or maybe a yellowhammer and a young coal tit..... the white patch at the back of the head usually means a coal tit, not a marsh tit.... It looks like that one has the start of a patch, so perhaps a juvenile coal..... Its a great tit. I stand corrected good to see someone is keen on their birds though, there aren't too many of us about
  8. lovely pics. A yellowhammer and a marsh tit if i am not mistaken.... ....or maybe a yellowhammer and a young coal tit..... the white patch at the back of the head usually means a coal tit, not a marsh tit.... It looks like that one has the start of a patch, so perhaps a juvenile coal.....
  9. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity
  10. Feral in some places. Wild in others. Get over to the Forest of Dean or the New Forest. There are plenty about and they sure aren't feral. One chased my bro a few years back when we went jogging and it went at him like a demon. I'm sure someone did genetic testing on some of the pigs from those areas a few years back; they showed a marginally different genetic makeup to feral pigs: Suggesting inbreeding of a small relict population, with no new blood for many many generations. I think i read that somwhere but i might be wrong................
  11. i can def see where your coming from neil if in great numbers there a pest like mink etc tho i have seen quite a few in my time but had the pleasure of seeing a mother with 3 well grown young one day on a river and i could nt take my eye s off them most gracefull animal i ve ever seen in the flesh and i have too admire them as they are so efficent in everything they do except walking on land never sean one up this way it would be nice to see thow I was canoeing last year for a few days on the river wye. One swam right past our canoe. Beautiful graceful creatures to watch.
  12. i can def see where your coming from neil if in great numbers there a pest like mink etc tho i have seen quite a few in my time but had the pleasure of seeing a mother with 3 well grown young one day on a river and i could nt take my eye s off them most gracefull animal i ve ever seen in the flesh and i have too admire them as they are so efficent in everything they do except walking on land never sean one up this way it would be nice to see thow I was canoeing last year for a few days down the river wye. One swam right past our canoe. Beautiful graceful creatures to watch. They
  13. I think many employers see ex-army as a safe pair of hands, a team player. If you come out and apply for jobs with civvy blokes with same qualifications, you'll have a headstart, i reckon .
  14. Its not a quote per say but the funniest i've heard happened when the Wolves used to play Birmingham in the mid 90s. Kevin Francis was up front for the Blues and he was nicknamed 'the donkey' by everyone back then, even his own fans. Every single time he touched the ball 25 odd thousand Wolves fans went 'eee-yooore' atop their voices!
  15. I posted this thread in two places on THL and got plenty of helpful posts on both. I learned that a drippy dick might be due to smeg/hormones and not to worry. I also learned that it can be a symptom of a water infection, which can become a problem if unresolved. I did also find out that some folk like taking the piss out of those asking for help. Can't quite understand that one.
  16. Here is one. I don't bother with measures or times: I like a haphazard kitchen (?!) = chopped apples in a pan with a big nob of butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 cup sultanas (optional) = sweat them until the chunks get a bit squidgy. turn them off the heat. = make pastry in big bowl: flour, butter/marge, sugar, cardamom seeds. (more flour if too wet, more marge if too dry). = halve the pastry and roll it into a big circle. = Pop it in a greased tin as the pie base. Make sure it's big enough to come just over the sides of the tin. = blind bake it until it is crisp (gas 5-6) = Roll the re
  17. chinn horses then some day you'll get a fighr no doubt. dont understand the animal, you shouldn't be in there space- end of. :headshot:: Read the previous posts you f*****g numpty and you'll see its a joke......... My first post, my second post, baw's comment, my reply etc etc ................. chinn horses then some day you'll get a fighr no doubt. dont understand the animal, you shouldn't be in there space- end of. He is talking about the first guy mate Your second time to admit your wrong...... so i was, at least some ones got some common sense on here! seems ther
  18. chinn horses then some day you'll get a fighr no doubt. dont understand the animal, you shouldn't be in there space- end of. :headshot:: Read the previous posts you f*****g numpty and you'll see its a joke......... My first post, my second post, baw's comment, my reply etc etc ................. chinn horses then some day you'll get a fighr no doubt. dont understand the animal, you shouldn't be in there space- end of. He is talking about the first guy mate Your second time to admit your wrong...... so i was, at least some ones got some common sense on here! seems ther
  19. anyway Baw, cheers, your skills as peacemaker are impressive :
  20. :headshot:: Read the previous posts you f*****g numpty and you'll see its a joke......... My first post, my second post, baw's comment, my reply etc etc ................. He is talking about the first guy mate Your second time to admit your wrong...... so i was, at least some ones got some common sense on here! seems there's more than one bull x f*****g half wit about! chav roid head fools halfwit -yes! bullx no chance (terriers all day long). But don't call me chav, that's fighting talk
  21. :headshot:: Read the previous posts you f*****g numpty and you'll see its a joke......... My first post, my second post, baw's comment, my reply etc etc ................. He is talking about the first guy mate Your second time to admit your wrong...... :doh: Louis - sorry mate! Baw - thank you and f**k you, you're making me look bad Seriously, i should probably get some shuteye
  22. I don't like the way it's looking at me
  23. :headshot:: Read the previous posts you f*****g numpty and you'll see its a joke......... My first post, my second post, baw's comment, my reply etc etc .................
  24. One of many eh lol :glare: Yeah spos so... i f*****g hate horses, always try and chin them when i get the chance
  25. I posted here a week or so ago querying why a horse might have ago at a dog, implying that maybe the dog spooked the horse by barking. However, i must admit that i was wrong .......... I haven't changed my mind because I've been convinced by the eloquence of some of the posts... It is because this morning a colt went for my pup and wouldn't leave him be. It only f****d off when, you've guessed it, i gave it a right cross to the snout. Which wasn't good because it meant that the horse was pretty close to me too. Anyway, i stand corrected.
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