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ironman andy

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Everything posted by ironman andy

  1. Try this link Darren, it hasn't got them all on but it has the popular ones. http://extorian.co.uk/shooting/pellets.html Andy
  2. After many experiments in my TX200 Mk2 (.22) I found AA field the most accurate. But as I was told when I asked a similar question on here, each gun is different, even two guns of the same make may not respond the same with a brand of pellets So, always see which pellets suit your own gun. Regards Andy
  3. Anyone have any ideas as to where the best place is to buy (cheap) woodland camo net, about 10 foot square. Cheers, Andy.
  4. You might be able to buy a two-stage trigger for it from Chambers Gun makers. I have just received a two stage for my brothers Webley Tracker, but I haven't fitted it yet, only cost just over £20.00! (Bargain if it works!) Regards Andy
  5. It sounds a long winded thing but it takes a lot longer to explain than do! It actualy only takes two winks P.s I felt a bit of a plonker practicing this method while I was out shopping, mind you, everybody seemed to give me a wide berth Regards Andy
  6. Here is a little tip I picked up off an American hunting site about range finding. All you need is two eyes , and a finger ! Put your finger (or thumb) upright at arms length. Shut one eye and put the finger you are holding up onto your target. Then without moving, open the other eye and shut the one that was open Now, judge the distance that your finger has moved from the target (the distance taken is at the target), and times it by ten. For example, if the finger appeared to have moved 9 feet away from the target, times this by 10 = 90 feet which equals 30yds. Simple, but it d
  7. ironman andy


    Aparently they tried to blame Muslims for the flooding in Sheffield.. They thought it was the start of Ram-a-dam
  8. Ferret15, It was found at the bottom of a hole because it was obviously used to buckle up a moleskin!!
  9. Just saw another one on my neighbours nuts. But his wife does not want it shot I'll have to bait it into my garden, then it will be terminated
  10. ironman andy


    1000fps with an 8gr pellet would give you 17.77 ft/lbs..... I hope that you have an F.A.C Regards Andy P.S perhaps you are not in England therefore do not need an F.A.C
  11. hi mac, welcome aboard Andy
  12. He had no worries stubby, I'm not even THAT good a shot!!
  13. Tufty WAS practicing the green cross code, but failed to either hear, or see the air arms field traveling at 570 f.p.s ...................until it was too late!! Andy.
  14. Here is a picy of my first squirrel kill. Shot it off my neighbours nuts on Saturday (with his permission of course!). He wanted me to shoot it as it raided his blue tit nest and eat all the chicks, (but I didn't need any excuses to blat it!!) Andy.
  15. Have seen this gun and it is in A1 condition. Thought it deserved bumping Andy
  16. Cheers MC. (the cheque's in the post ) Andy.
  17. I bought a 3-9x50 mill dot from J.S.Ramsbottom for £29.95 inc post. I was surprised how clear the optics are! I use it on a springer and have had no problems with recoil damage. It has a fixed parallax at 35 yards which is good, the only gripe that I have got is the mil dots are quite wide, but I've got used to it now. So cheepies arn't all that bad! Incidently, they do a illumiated reticle version for £39.95. Andy
  18. It only works if you are a good shot! (like me )
  19. No problem Micheal, it's made from 3mm steel plate, with a 6mm thick base plate for weight, so you don't need to stake it down. Andy
  20. Here is an upgraded version of the cord re-setable knock down target that I made, that Molecatcher posted on here last month. The top kill zone is 40mm in diameter, and when hit falls down. The bottom kill zone is 16mm diameter, and when hit, it re-sets the top target. So no need for any cords. P.S. Here is the image before I photo-shopped out all of my misses!! Andy
  21. Cheers MC. I really enjoyed the hunting experience . It is totally different to shooting on the club range where I can hit a 1 inch target, (quite) consistantly at 50 meters. Range estimating is somthing that I need to practise!! In the couple of times that MC has allowed me to join him I believe that I have learnt more than I ever could by reading about hunting! If anyone has the opportunity to go hunting with an experienced hunter like MC, I would totally recomend it. Cheers again MC Andy
  22. ironman andy


    What do you call a rabbit with a bent nob?? Fucksfunny
  23. I'm not shy, you were the one with the camera!! GUN IS FUN.....WORK IS BORING (When I said that I wasn't shy, and that you had the camera, i didn't mean it in THAT way! )
  24. No problem mate. I enjoy watching people try to weld . In all honesty, you made a great job of them See you later, Andy
  25. Cheeky Begger!! I am getting better, I can now hit a barn door form 2 yds (with most shots ) See you later MC Andy.
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