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Terrier Sam

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Everything posted by Terrier Sam

  1. Very nice dog mate I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect dog and if there was, no one would admit it here in the UK. There's plenty of people in the UK that would rather kick you in the balls through jealousy rather than give you a pat on the back. We've all seen it where people are prepared to pay good money for dogs that they believe are perfect or very close to it yet there are always a couple who will put it down. Whether this is through jealousy or just what they believe, only they know I have one here who's couldn't be much better suited for my needs. He's about
  2. That's what I've used mate with some heavy duty heat resistant gloves but it even got too hot for those and when the glove has had plenty of time to warm up it doesn't just sting for a second or two
  3. I'm not being tight I just can't warrant payin a tonne for a rat smoker and then have to pay through the nose for cans of stuff for it too when there are cheaper options. I had thought about brake pipe and radiator pipe but I wasn't sure if they'd withstand the heat. Any more advice is more than welcome too Good to see what other guys use. If anyone's got any pics too then put em up ATB Sam
  4. Thanks very much mate. Very kind of you. Let me know if you don't want/need it and we'll sort something out ATB Sam
  5. Fantastic pics as always! I don't mean to take over such a good thread but I've just started a topic on the earthdogs and terrier discussion asking what type of pipe to use on a chainsaw to smoke rats? I've seen a few videos where people use a flexi pipe but I don't know of a flexi pipe that will withstand that sort of heat. I've tried a few things but none seem to work that well. And......before anyone says it.......no I'm not prepared to splash out on a proper rat smoker Any advice would be great! pm me or reply to the other topic to save taking over this thread if
  6. Just looking for a bit of advice on what type of pipe to use on a chainsaw to smoke rats? What does everyone use? I've seen a few videos where people use a flexi pipe but I don't know of a flexi pipe that will withstand that sort of heat. I've tried a few things but none seem to work that well. And......before anyone says it.......no I'm not prepared to splash out on a proper rat smoker Any other advice more than welcome! Thanks in advance! Sam
  7. Got one That's what we like Hope everyone had a good time anyway!
  8. I think the summertime madness has started early this year. Bring on next winter
  9. Remember to visit our stand - Blade Tech Ultimate knife sharpener and sporting cutlery for advice on knives, sharpeners and other equip.
  10. All mine are too. The other thing is that, unfortunately, the companies who supply the microchips and hold the data on it will be coining it in with all of the admin fees etc! I moved out about a year and a half ago with my better half. At the time we only had one dog but I rang the microchip company (can't remember the name) to change the address and they wanted FOURTY QUID just to change the address! Needless to say that it's still registered to the parents address with my mobile number. Thats the downside! Every dog owner is going have to factor it in as another cost of moving h
  11. IMO, the way to benefit most from compulsory microchipping is if its compulsory for vets to scan each dog every time it goes to the vet otherwise theres no way of knowing if a dogs nicked or not.
  12. chicken carcass from you butcher mate. Give the dog a few days on them and they'lll be good as anythin!
  13. try some bamboo ones....seriously My familys had a lot from here; http://www.bambooclothing.co.uk/category/for%20him?type=typea ATB Sam
  14. Very nice mate, Do you know the percentages? How tall is he/she? ATB Sam
  15. Too true mate! I did think that today. The pregnant rabbits that havent been caught will probs go on to have another litter, maybe two before next winter! Its good to see that it's happened to other too. I felt really bad after I opened the rabbit up. It's one thing killing a fully grown rabbit after the dogs caught it but it's another when you kill unborn ones. Lets hope the weather gets a kick up the arse soon! ATB Sam
  16. I was out for an hour last night. Bit of wind, a few stars but no moon. No end of night shots but heres the dog; Ended up with an alright bag of 3 with the youngen. As I took the first rabbit off him to dispatch it, it felt odd - I've had one from this area before that had a 2 inches oval shaped cyst/tumor on it's stomach so I was intrigued to see what it was. I opened it when I got back to the car to see what's going on only to find that it was carrying 4 babies. I was gutted to say the least, we don't have many around here as it is. Around here 3-5 would be a good bag, well wort
  17. Heres one from a ferreting day a couple of weeks ago......
  18. 10 out of 10 for making yourself look hard there mate I have a whippet that I took on as an adult dog. He wouldn't jump........now he does. Dogs fault......or owners.......?
  19. Get it right mate. That's PJ's not a coat ffss!
  20. Very nice dog you got there mate! Size of the bag don't matter. Some of the best days ferreting I've had are the days you catch least But... very nice dog Sam
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