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Everything posted by bonnie1

  1. bonnie1


    Agreed> if i could do it again id stick to creatine l.arginine whey and maybe glucosimine. all legal all ok. OLD NOG, how did i forget in my original post to mention DOING STERIODS will ruin your sex life. IMPOTENCE....seriously now do we need to go any futher??? Do steriods lose your wood...SIMPLES! Agree totally, do boxing, done that myself for seven years...hard hard hard disciplined training, nowhere to hide, i honestly rekon it was reason i left boxing and took the easy root of pumping myself up on roids. Coward, no will power...boxing straight is for winners. Learns you [bANNED TEXT]
  2. bonnie1


    real knowlege and wisdom from your words,but i think the lad in question allready made his mind up,like i said in previous post try explain 2 your kids that i,m dyeing because iwanted 2 look big or be stronger, been training on and off for the past 5 years and it has give great pleasure seeing my progress in the gym were i train without takeing anyting but protein drinks and creatine, they must me and another dozen that dos,ent use juice ,even some my friends take it ,its more of image thing then for strengh,basicly they jabbing all the time and them tanning injections only knows what them are
  3. bonnie1


    Agreed> if i could do it again id stick to creatine l.arginine whey and maybe glucosimine. all legal all ok. OLD NOG, how did i forget in my original post to mention DOING STERIODS will ruin your sex life. IMPOTENCE....seriously now do we need to go any futher??? Do steriods lose your wood...SIMPLES! Agree totally, do boxing, done that myself for seven years...hard hard hard disciplined training, nowhere to hide, i honestly rekon it was reason i left boxing and took the easy root of pumping myself up on roids. Coward, no will power...boxing straight is for winners. Learns you [bANNED TEXT]
  4. bonnie1


    Thanks bigdog. :> cheers.
  5. bonnie1


    Easily the best introduction to this site that i have ever read, i shall look out for your informative post........welcome mate Thanks very much for a really kind welcome. really apreciate that. Im hot on that subject and jack russells but thats it!! lol. thanks
  6. bonnie1


    [bANNED TEXT] im never guna put you on to the real lads with real gear cus i dont wanna be your murderer. But i will tell ya whats fake and whats not, ive nown many many rip offs, over the years and i know most the people behind these sites. In short no do not use that site. Do not use any site that asks you to pay by western union full stop. do not use any site FULL STOP. you will putting drugs into your body that some complete stranger has sent you????? its a no brainer. I really dont wanna give you any advise on this subject but im pained to as you seem....wellllll????? Get yourself to a
  7. i will try and get my brother to put a pic of his bitch up rooter tooter on thl i have also owned and bred few litter,s of staff,s Nice stamp there fella :> like him alot
  8. bonnie1


    Hi Cushty/forum, this is my 1st post here so i'll introduce myself 1st. Im Rab from Pompey. Love me hunting and fishing (was on trawlers for 15 years), im 38 Ok ive always used the gym since i was 13/14, used to lie and say i was 16 to get in!! Ive always been interested in keeping strong aswell (requirment at sea!). Im 6'2 18 stone. Deadlift today is 300kg. Squat today is 300kg. Bench today is 200kg. All natural for last 5 years. Just eat 6 times a day (clean) only supp i take is 1 protein shake in morn with my oats, and maybe a protein shake after training if i cant get home quick from gym
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