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Everything posted by godzilla

  1. good looking dog that mate put it on the ripped thread lol
  2. a good catch for any dog
  3. a owner can guide the dog but it needs the ingredients in the first place,
  4. keep him at it you got yourself a good little dog there
  5. very nice looks more greyhound than owt,
  6. cracking pictures what camera you useing
  7. sorry my mistake i was thinking of decomax,advocate as above same as frontline
  8. advocate is for mange,not quite sure think its 2mil by injection,look up premarket pet products,charles should be able to help you
  9. tea spoon,its a good detox as well as keeping away ticks
  10. liquid form straight on cut from chemists,or id use iodine purple spray for horses
  11. anyone would be happy with that amount of bunnys,
  12. be firm with him,when he jumps push him on the floor with his shoulders so hes sitting up and say no,
  13. small handful of meat 6/8 hours before,main meal on return,unless its out early for the big ears then nothing at all just fluids electrolyte
  14. garlic granuels is good for the blood,tea spoon every feed
  15. swimming is good but too much will have the opposite effect,
  16. have a look on greyhound data
  17. terriers a cup of biscuit a day,or half a pound of meat just watch his weight you dont want them too fat, id give chicken carcasses or wings
  18. get some soda crystals down her and clear her out ,how old is the meat?
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