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Everything posted by Stewbell

  1. Hi ppl just wondering if any of you can help me, i am after a new bull x pup 1/4 bull 3/4 greyhound, do any of you know anyone whos breeding these or any one i can contact to enquire about one? I have had a look on the selling section on here and had no look so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction Cheers
  2. The bitch is 8 month old mate, is that to young to start training her like? cheers for the advice, the lead that i have for her at the moment is just a rope round her neck 'one from the pet shop of course ha' is it worth getting her a lead with a collar and a quick release lead?? the training with another working dog could be a problem as i only go out with my mate 'who doesnt have a dog' and its abit difficult to get through to the lads i know with working dogs, so basically its starting from scrath, i was gonna try using a dummy and putting it a few metres in front of me then get the lam
  3. Hi Guys, Just wondering if any of you experianced guys could help me on lamping, I have currently have a 3/4 1/4 greyhound bull, and would like to start using her down the lamp. i have had a little go with her but [bANNED TEXT] the lamps on somthing she will not go towards the lamp and just does her own thing(running about picking up scents etc) so i was hoping maybe some of you people will be able to help me on how to train my dog run down the lamp. hope i get some positve feedback and help cheers
  4. cheers people ive bought a brush and it does just seem to be dead fur, also ill start giving her some oil cheers for the help
  5. Hi Guys, Just wonderd if some of you could maybe assist me on something. My bull cross is currently 7 months old and i have noticed that her coat has in some places started to go a light brown (shes a black) ha, is this normal or do i need to start giving her something to make it go back black? also ive notice that her skin under her coat is a little bit flakey now not sure if this is due from her running through rivers and mucky mud water etc so hopefully some of you guys maybe to give me a few tips on this or if anyone else has come across or has the same problem with there dog.
  6. Cheers for all the help ppl, ill try feeding her in the sleeping part aswel as spraying some of that stuff, its is a fair size like to be honest, but i have a spaniel the opposite side of the kennel same size and everything and he does not shit in his so sounds like shes just a mucky bitch haha
  7. Hi Guys,m Just wonderd if anyone out there could give some advice or help please! My 6 month old bull x is crapping in her bed, i have recently have just built a new kenel for her which has 2 compartments one with a little run in and the other with her bed and toys etc, but i have noticed that she is weeing and dumping in the section were her bed is but she is also doing it in the run side were i would like her to do it if she needs to go, anyway i would just like some help on how to maybe stop her doing this or something i can do to stop her as i cant b with her 24/7, i thort dogs did
  8. cheers mate, yea shes been out in the garden aswell as the field but has had no contact with other dogs, i just want to know how to train her properly and when the best time is to start introducing her to game as i want a good hunting dog with good stamina
  9. Hi People, I am new on here and wondering if anyone could help me or advise me. I have recently just bout a 12 week old bul greyhound ive had it 3 weeks now, this is my first dog ive owned, i would like some help on what to do in teaching it to be good around other people and other dogs, but also when i take it out through the day how to get it to chase game and when i should start teaching it to chase game, ive heard not to people say to me wait until they are 6 month before you start egiing them on if you like to chase game, but i am not sure so i am hopeing some of you guys could he
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