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About reggie5568

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. What the f**k !! RSPCA are you stupid pal , you should have taken them to a greyhound rescue centre
  2. Fine looking dogs mate all the best with thier recovery
  3. looking forward to seein these dogs growing up on this thread , keep them coming lads cheers
  4. thanks i have had a lurcher before so i know what to expect from the dogs but i wanted to know about the saluki greyhound cheers
  5. hi can anyone recomend a good all round book for an insight into saluki greyhounds been taking a real interest in running dogs for a while and when i do decide to buy one i want to make sure i try to get and i will use a well known lads words of here , a real dog ! cheers
  6. i hiope i can find a ood looking pup like that mate atb
  7. Try purdeys progress its all in that dvd pal worked for me but as above make it fun
  8. whats the breeding mate looks great
  9. Forget the knobheads mate all the best with the sale , thats the reason i never ask advise on here any more !
  10. Great little dog mate , i think he is gonna be a cracker
  11. You have to know the judge mate LOL
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