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  1. In short, weather I am in the game or not, at least I have the good sense to know when a bitch has had enough and deserves more respect than she's clearly getting from the likes of you. So jog on pal Al let you give me a :wankerzo4:
  2. f**k you little slag its not my f*****g dog av got a pup here off her you just keep to you rescue dogs, and for the rest jog on its got nowt to do with you idiots. Put it this way a woman that goes hunting is not girlfriend metrial anar a wouldnt go next to one...
  3. Well obvious he wanted some good stuff didnt here :wallbash: Woman shudnt be in the game in any way its a mans sport.
  4. My pal ownes fettle shes about 14 now, he put benjii too her about a year ago.
  5. They still only young getting them started now
  6. Anyone seen a dog out of them then? Just got a pup here bred off them thats all.
  7. Any off yous lot got or seen a dog out of this line? If so what do you think of them cheers. BXR
  8. Tried ringing you mate

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