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About caz518

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  1. Hey Guys, I was wondering what would be the best way to get into stalking. I current shoot vermin and fox (22lr and .223) and i would like to get into stalking. I am going to put in for variation for .243 shortly. Is there any place someone in my position can go to watch a Stalk / Gralloch etc to gain some experience? How much would it cost? , what would be the best way to start? Any help would be appreciated. I have enquired about doing a DSC 1 but would maybe like a taster beforehand. Many thanks in advance
  2. Hi all New to the site as you can guess, live in Berkshire, currently shoot shotguns, 22lr and .223, Got a few permissions near to where i live so get out there as much as poss, I got my first Fox the other night . I have been shooting air rifles since a young lad , recently got my FAC and SGC last year so lots to learn! ATB Dom
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