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About paul1956

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. whoever you are get a life lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. FTB sorry for being a c**t. Wont happen again.

    1. Lab



    2. jimmy100


      yep some sad c**ts on here!! f**k him john not worth the hassle mate!!

  3. jimmy100 is the best hunter ever.

  4. haha honestly lab its not me ;) x

  5. it aint me mate lol

  6. in africa i just hire a nigger to open my gates when i come and go.
  7. R.I.P Byan gone but not forgotton.
  8. make sure you give the shepherd some bones.
  9. you ask the prices by any chance?.. yes £45 for 30mins.
  10. just rang the number and got through to a tranny massage parlour.
  11. i use to own one of these i used it fox vermin control but it was killed by hyena.
  12. most attractive rhinanna or michelle keegan least attractive heather trott of eastenders.
  13. I told the wife that i kept getting a burning sensation in my arse and didn't know what it was. She said... 'ring sting'. I said '...what makes you think he'll f*****g know' !!

    1. FightTheBan


      Im not surprised youve got ring sting. More often than not theres a black cock up your arse. Your sphincter will be utterly ruined.

  14. Imagine adding yourself as a friend....lol

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