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Everything posted by FerretPete

  1. ive been ferreting for about 3 to 4 years now with my own ferrets and tagged along with an old chap before then but he has sadly passed, i got a bit of land i ferret in arundel. but was wondering since i cant really find anyone me own age or anyone else really in the area (since im from littlehampton ) thats in to ing fresh air and killing some rabbits. i was wondering is there anyone in the west sussex area that wants to meet up over the season etc for ferreting etc i would also like to getting into going out lamping and am lookign to get me first dog lol so if anyone intrested would be grea
  2. thanks for all the help guys im feeding them on james wellbeloved mixed with high protien cat food and im getting some chicken livers tomorro to feed them on aswell you rekon that will be ok ??? and if they get biscuit aka mush stuck to the roof of mouth should i clean it or let them get rid of it naturaly?? cheers again guys for your help Pete
  3. haha well done guys them ghost you know sure do make me die with laughter haha
  4. and to answer your question the youngest i would advise to let them go to good home is 6weeks but im going to let mine go at 10 when the basically fully devoloped. hope that helps ATB pete
  5. nice mate my litters just turned 3 weeks got 10 and only 2 jills out of the lot lol 3 being silvers the rest polecats . Atb with your kits mate
  6. right i was just wondering my kits are three weeks and i know theywill start to be weened of soon i was just wondering since im getting them used to biscuits as well as rabbit,chicken livers etc whats the best way to get the biscuits wet ive heard soaking them over night in water and was just wondering what you guys would do ? cheers Pete
  7. sorry to steal the thread (saves me writing the same one) but ive been wondering the same thing, im after a beddy whippet for ferreting
  8. do they sell the magentic key sepertly just got home from work and my wife has gone in the shed to find one of the ferret collars so she can put it on this new kit she got and gone and lost the magenetic key out of the bag. Cheers
  9. jills finally poped got 10 little kits

  10. how many pups you got left?? and how far are you from the sussex/surrey border mate? tbh im really intrested mate
  11. after a bedlington whippet pup in the sussex area anyone got a litter?

  12. Cracking pup you have there mate , would of loved to take her of your hands if i didnt have to worry bout getting a new car ATB with finding that pup the best home and atb with the pup your keeping
  13. \ thanks alot mate will do and cheer for keeping me informed Atb ferret pete
  14. hey guys, im really want to get a deerhound or a deer hound cross but i cant seem to find anyone who breeds them in the sussex hampshire area, just wondering do you know anyone that dose ?? Cheers FerretPete
  15. hello just wondering how much do you sell your nets for cheers

  16. yea after 5 years of getting kits from other people and seeing if mine are any good at ferreting people have asked for some kits from me so yea i wanna breed this year and then get him sniped and yea he is defo in season like bloody marbles. and yea i thought he would be doing alot more just seemed bit strange coz all the other local ferrets have all ready been and gone out of season already.
  17. sorry late reply thanks guys for all your help. just another qick question, i know she is in season but all the hob keeps doing is sniffing and licking well you know (bit of fore play) dose this mean she is not fully in season ?? many thanks ferret pete
  18. thanks guys looks like il be getting wood shavings on the way home then haha. any bad signs to look out for when a gill is pregant since i normaly getting kits from other people and this year 4 people have ask me for kits just wonderd if there any helpful info you can give for a first time breeder. thanks again Pete
  19. Hey Guys, ive kept for 5 years now and have kept them on sawdust all the time, but been reading the older post and some people have been saying sawdust is a bad idea. what are your opinions. also this is the first time in the 5 years im going to be breeding my jill she is in season and has all the signs of beening mated just wondering if you could tell me any signs that i should look out for if its all going tits up. cheers
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