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Everything posted by BlackBuck

  1. You on the sniff again Pablo ? Jesus f**k you talk some shite
  2. Have one here for sale , also have a skip full of rocking horse shit , two bins full of hens teeth and five bottles of holy water that I bought in the local orange lodge . Good luck with your search lad
  3. Belter wee pack there Martin , had stuff like that few years back , good times and good dogs , sadly all long gone . Best of luck for next season
  4. The twats that hungry he'd probably try and get the dog a sex change so he could put it in pup as well
  5. Was thinking the same W.katchum , but sure this twats dogs are world beaters well worth the fortune he's charging for them . Fools and their money are easy parted , been in dogs a long time and if I had to ask anyone that sorta money for a mongrel pup I'd hide away in shame . Have been gifted dogs of this type many times and have given ones away also . If it's about money start breeding Yorkies or something and leave working dogs to the genuine people
  6. I take it your one of the c**ts that would be stupid enough to pay it then gaz ?
  7. There's two types of people do my head in , c**ts that charge a fortune for pups and c**ts who are stupid enough to pay it .
  8. Cracker of a pup mate , really nice . Very best of luck with it
  9. There's only one man the dog needs to please and that's the man who's feeding him , fine looking animal by the way perfect for what you want him for . Hope he fulfils his job and you many a good days hunting with him
  10. Best of luck with them mate , hope all goes well
  11. Blue was actually bred from a patterdale/Russell bitch to a patterdale/bedlington dog . He was bred in fivemile town by a fella , went to Belfast as a pup and then p.r bought him a young dog after seeing him work his first fox . Stout was out of a dog we had , also called stout , back to a bitch that was out of blue . The original stout dog had a touch of wheaten in him , thought this might have explained the colour in your pup but there's no connection. Saw the sergeant dog work a few times , was a decent dog . Had a chocolate dog here few seasons back that would have been related to him
  12. Best of luck with the pups mate , do they go back to any of the old lines ? Stout , blue stuff ?
  13. One on done deal for sale , looks a nice animal
  14. Best of luck with the litter mate , hope they all do well
  15. nothing ugly about that mate , you wanna see my missus first thing in the morning . Hope the bitch goes on keeping you happy
  16. remember those pointer crosses very well coverdogs , had some great days hunting with them pete and rags , then there was the one that farmer shot , i was down that day lifting pups that where out of a terrier dog we had called stout , think you may have ended up with one of the pups also called stout if im correct . Was some great stuff about at that time all cross breds that would have put pure hounds to shame and could mark better than any pack of hounds , your brother and law and myself where in mayo hunting once and lost the old copper bitch the first day we where there , searched most of
  17. great post lutra , thanks for posting , great to hear about the russells past and present
  18. Fair play mixedgrill takes a big man to say hes wrong , and apologise
  19. you wouldnt be sure over here snagbrac , he deffo could have had a pair of willies and neither of them his own ffs
  20. A few extra glasses never done anyone any harm , it's good to see good men at work with decent dogs .
  21. Stories like this are what it should be all about , humorous tales of the good days . Days we will never get back , but we can listen and learn from the guys that have lived it and done it . Il be the first to admit that my first impression of mr cooney was that he was a know it all , but we can all get it wrong . The man has probably done as much and more than any of us , his only fault if you could call it that is that he tells it how it is and doesn't mince his words . Keep it up lads , a great thread that I hope hasn't ended
  22. Classic tree hands , enjoyed that . Great thread , think mixed grill is only breaking that mouth in for an asshole , he'll be grand in the morning
  23. Anyone lost a Lurcher dog in Brittas county Dublin ? There's one advertised on done deal . Haven't a clue how to put up link .
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