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Everything posted by BlackBuck

  1. Class present , really well done . Looks a smashing dog too
  2. Selective memory? I think it's more Bull shiting syndrome
  3. And what's not being irish got to do with it ye f***ing ass hole?
  4. Was no one there to throw them something ? Like an anchor maybe
  5. Best of luck with your pup lad , have a feeling your going to put a lot of effort in . Hope he does you proud and you have loads of fun with him
  6. Bottles of piss ? An armalite would be more appropriate
  7. Cheap jacket for someone , too big for a slim line fella like me unfortunately lol
  8. Neil that invitation I gave you earlier in the year ? I'm definitely having second thoughts lol
  9. Some c**ts appreciate nothing , fair play to you for taking the dog back taz . Hope he's in good hands this time
  10. Jesus what a shower of pot lickers, confirms why I never have or never will keep a saluki .
  11. Cracking wee dog Joe, best of luck with it and hope things keep going well for you
  12. Nice dog mate , hope he keeps it up for you good luck
  13. Big strong bitch , dog looks a better. Should have some nice pups , good luck with them
  14. Think before I speak ? Your the dosey wanker that asked is it too late for a 7 month old pup . Ffs and your talking about things being out of my capacity
  15. thanks for calling me c**t mate as I always found a c**t to be a very useful thing and it's good to know I'm useful
  16. Beautiful pup and in excellent condition, a credit to you
  17. Are you sure that seven foot pile of shiting, didn't come out of your mouth ?
  18. Still don't know everything either lukey or will I ever claim to , but I'm not that stupid that I don't know a 7 month old pup is exactly that , big part of what's wrong way the working dog world today , uneducated twats getting dogs they know nothing about and when there not world beaters at 7 months old on to the next one
  19. Must head to the zoo tomorrow way the lurcher . Slip him on a tiger or an elephant. Just to test him , he's an ace at the lamas now
  20. Best way Danny lol . He's a tidy dog mate , real nice type
  21. Jesus f**k where do we get them ? Why don't you just post your name , address and bank details aswell stiffmeister. You've practically just catagorised every man that has ever hunted in the same bracket as yourself and the vile scum that carried out these acts . Your either taking the piss or a brain dead c**t that knows no better
  22. Can a mod please pull the post that brain dead c**t richlee has just made ? Ffs what a dopey b*****d
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