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Everything posted by BlackBuck

  1. What I can never understand is if this golly dog was so good why would he be passed around ? Surely if he worked hard , he should have deserved a decent retirement ? Not being passed to any wanker that would come up with the money
  2. Very good Neil , been a few similar situations up here . Enjoyed that one lol
  3. Brilliant read mate , great to have good dogs and good mates . Big part of what this game is all about
  4. Class pics , brilliant to see the youngsters out enjoying the countryside and the dogs . Hope use have many happy years
  5. Sorry for your loss mate , smashing looking dog he was
  6. Should make cracking pups , best of luck with them . Dam and sire two nice animals
  7. Pity you wouldn't visit the guy in the airport , get on a plane and fly away to f**k , bullshitting c**t
  8. A 7 year old dog that was well worked for 5 years Liam ? Is that another figment of your imagination ? Bullshitting c**t
  9. Is that the same ones that you wer supposed to get me a pup from Liam ? Bullshitting c**t
  10. Was a dog up this way few years back , supposed wolfhound cross . Was the most useless , clumsy good for nothing thing I ever saw . Couldn't have caught an s.t.i in a crack den
  11. Aye Liam that and bullshitting c**ts like yourself that promise people the earth and don't follow through with their promises .
  12. Santa Claus and a working terrier in dessies yard have a lot in common , neither of them are real
  13. Reece this Pye that . Who gives a f**k ? Much better dogs out there that will never be named or heard of by the wannabes .
  14. Good start lad , onwards and upwards . Best of luck for the future
  15. Fair play to any of you guys hunting on your on , takes a lot of dedication . Must be hard work trying to handle hounds and terriers on your own Darren ? Real pain catching up hounds when you hunt in a team , must be a nightmare on your own .
  16. If this litter comes off would be very interested in a pup , that dogs a belter white feet
  17. Un like yourself I never have or never will tell anyone how to work their dogs , I made a humorous comment that was obviously lost on someone like yourself . Personally I don't give a shite what you or anyone else for that matter do with their dogs , il keep on doing what I do with mine
  18. And my opinion for what it's worth is that you Neil are a know it all asshole . But sure that's just my opinion .
  19. I'd say 90% of the digging you do Neil is into other people's business .
  20. I'd say 90% of the terriers owned by members on here are ornaments
  21. None I'm only messing , any I've ever seen wer shite
  22. Cracking pup mate , best of luck with it
  23. Excellent , brilliant to see young lads like that out hunting . Have a loads of nets and stuff here I'd gladly gift them if u want to private mail me
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