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Everything posted by BlackBuck

  1. Seen stuff other dogs don't see ? Probably steroids ye twat
  2. Happy new year lads, happy hunting
  3. My missus has two of them , most useless brain dead , pot licking things I've ever witnessed .
  4. Best of luck with the pup thrush , he's a belter hope he turns out for ye and fair play to the lad for gifting him to ye . Bit jealous to be honest , had my eye on the dog myself
  5. Remember an old guy that lived beside , kept hounds and lurchers for years . He used to dip the dogs feet in methylated spirits , he reckoned it hardened the pads . Watched him doing it once with hounds , it was real hard frosty weather and he reckoned it would stop the feet from getting burnt
  6. You should keep it you bawlbag as I'd say you don't own any of your own
  7. Three bales of barley straw , a gallon of goats milk and a bucket of monkeys spunk . FFS the questions on here get better and better
  8. Rake aboot , if u want to be called a silly c**t , then definitely I have no trouble calling you a silly c**t . All I can say you must be easy pleased if your satisfied with a Hancock. Il take you out a run some time and show you decent dogs working , and when you ask for a pup il tell you to go f**k yourself
  9. Saw about maybe 8 to ten of them through the years and they where all gutless , shivering balls of shite . One of them in particular was probably the worst Lurcher I ever saw in a field , it couldn't have caught the crabs in a crack den . Another was probably the nicest collie cross Lurcher u could imagine , big strong half cross but what a useless b*****d , this was in the 80s/90s . Pups churned out for silly c**ts who believed the crap he talked , it's a true saying fools and there money are easy parted
  10. Pot licking rubbish , bred by a dog dealing twat . Wouldn't give a tenner for one
  11. Class pic marshman , great to have memories. Thanks for sharing
  12. Would be very happy if they went to ground Peter lol . As I always say there's only one man a dog has to please and that's the man that feeds it , if the Russell suits your needs then fair play and hope you get loads of sport . A mute dog with us wouldn't be kept , had a collie/springer years back that would out hunt any dog but wouldn't bark , have him to a guy who thought there was nothing like it
  13. Willow do the spaniel/terrier cross bark on scent ? Like a dog to make noise when hunting, especially when on fox .
  14. I really hope some of you bullshitting c**ts (rabid) never have to experience going through having a dog shot and not being able to do anything about it . You don't know what you would do unless your in that situation.
  15. And if you don't hunt on a farmers land wer the f**k do u hunt ?
  16. Shows how much you know , when you would make a statement like that you fool b*****d . Keep your shite , there's enough of it about without you sending over anymore
  17. Wouldn't mind a couple like that in the pack
  18. Been round dogs probably longer than you've been getting hard Ons foxdropper, and the tea bags always worked for me . Why pay some c**t £40 when u don't need to
  19. £250 for an 8 week old pup , always thought there was some sad b*****ds in England , you have just confirmed it . If the parents wer that f***ing good u wouldn't need to advertise it on here ye bawlbag
  20. Think it's you that's the fanny , charging £250 for a 6 week old pup ffs . Take it that's the Xmas fund ?
  21. Two belters mate , obviously well cared for . Gonna be lumps , best of luck with them
  22. The warm teabags usually work a treat , a terrier I had years ago used to have trouble with its eyes after being to ground . Used eye drops and the tea bags , always done the trick
  23. That wee bitch is a cracker , really like the look of her
  24. Feel that I may have been a bit hasty in some of my posts earlier , just meet the c**t on a country road somewhere and knock f**k outta him . Can understand that he has law on his side , but think if he shot my dogs he would Deffo get a dig in the mouth regardless of consequences
  25. A good sheep killing dog of some sort let loose for a night
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