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Everything posted by vitalspark

  1. Typical windage at 100 yards: 10mph windspeed (Force 3 wind), 3" windage (shift off target with wind at 90 degrees to shot trajectory); 20mph(approx Force 5)6" windage. Winds at 45 degrees to shot would give a windage of about 70% of these values. These are quite 'noticible' windspeeds yet the windage values are not excessive and are no worse than 22lr at this range and in some cases better. If you use a mil dot scope they fall into approximately 0.5 mil dots per 5mph wind change at 100 yards which is pretty handy. A 22LR round has about half the energy at the muzzle and travels at les
  2. Is it this one mate http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/1221/0109515.pdf? I was looking at it today because l was getting fed up of them but could only see the black backed gull on it. thanks Callum If you can show 'spread of disease' i.e. have any animals on the croft. See attached doc Bob Scottish Government General Licence No.doc
  3. Is that just to the left of the dead picnickers? Nice gun and backdrop. The 17hmr is an addictive and thus expensive round. Enjoy
  4. Thanks for the info Bob, I will certainly give the software a bash and compare my findings ta Callum Callum Chaigunpro is really for airgunners I think but the trick is to calculate a BC value (see their help index) from testing. This is actually entered in the box questionably marked as 'ED @NTP'. Sorry again all for hijacking the thread. Presumably I can reply outwith the forum somehow? Good luck BoB
  5. Hi I've attached the leaflet I referred to when working out the best solution. In the end the following was accepted: A gun safe to the specified standard with a small internal lockable ammo safe. These are large enough to hold around 500 round of .22, your bolt and a moderator. Hope that helps Bob security_leaflet2835.pdf
  6. Sorry to go off on a slight tangent but I used the ballistics software download from Hawkeoptics.com and tweeked the parameters to suit what I was finding in the field to produce a table. Apologies Bob
  7. It's not always possible to do this if you've come in from shooting in cold weather (most of the year in Scotland). The gun needs to be allowed to come back to room temperature (out of sight and action removed of course), before storing, to prevent issues with condensation Noticed your also from the Western Isles mate Whereabouts do you shoot? cheers Callum Hi Callum Just shoot on the croft but it's an interesting and very safe 14 acres or so. Had a serious rabbit problem last year but under control (for now). Bob
  8. Hi Had mine for six months now. Zeroed in at 50m, can't miss (baby bunnies) up to 100m. Drop off only 2.5 inch at 150m so head shots still possible. Better off with more magnification (x10 plus) on a mil-dot scope to help with windage as it is affected significantly at the longer ranges. Use 17grn rounds rather than 20grn. Lovely solid and reliable gun. The only issue is the magazine. A bit awkward at first but you get used to it. Prepare to enjoy.
  9. It's not always possible to do this if you've come in from shooting in cold weather (most of the year in Scotland). The gun needs to be allowed to come back to room temperature (out of sight and action removed of course), before storing, to prevent issues with condensation
  10. For my first post on the forum here's a standard 1" sight-in target I made based on diamond style targets sitting within a 1" grid. I normally print onto A3 so I've had to compromise to allow a fit onto A4, but 1" pattern is less than 5% out. Set your margins all to zero and ignore any pop ups to do with being outside of print area. Bit of tape to stick the two halves together and you're done. sight-in targetpdf online.pdf
  11. Hello to all the existing members. Back shooting again after a very long break. Took over 5 months to get my FAC through. Large bunny problem on the Isle of Lewis and hope that my 17HMR is up to the task. Cheers
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