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Everything posted by robwelsh

  1. cant wait for monday now...huntmans classic here we come :)

  2. I use a 5 grain pellet called `Thunderbolt` mail order from Solware. 500 for £9.95+vat+pp. they are zinc and they go through a rabbits napper like tea through a spout. they do a 10 grain .22 as well. my mate had the 22 ones, never heard a 22 hit so quick at 30 yards lol anyway, we was doing some target practice, checked the wood as a back stop, and about 60% of the pellets looked like they hadnt even deformed in the slightest lol
  3. says there's no pics when I look? put it as a public album mate , have a browse at her
  4. Thanks for the offer mate, il be getting my airgun on the 19th, monday. yeah i get what you mean, theres alot of kids shooting cattle etc i suppose , lighting mountain fires.. so i gues they have a reason to be.. shall i pm you or you pm me? i live in pontypridd, about 45min drive to newport i think
  5. can you go on to my gallery? or is friend only thing?
  6. il have to get some up again, in the photos on my gallery shes about 60 lb, but had her weighed a month ago and shes 70 lb now, il have to subscribe to photo bucket mate, and find some decent one lol thanks rob what dogs you got mate?
  7. my bitch is more like a grey, dh gh x collie grey, 29tts, she also over runs, but only been out on the lamp once, and the first runs were to eager, but as the night went on, she seemed to not run as fast an start to use her nogging, lol atb rob
  8. this has got to be the best thread yet..iv been in stitches..a group of men discussing what their dog prefers...shit really matters !
  9. you dont make sense; youve summed up a good alround dog, in your opinion, and then ask people who have them,what they like about them :S youve just stated the perfect allrounder :/ 1.good feet 2.plenty of oomf 3.runs on any type of land..good 4.coat for winter..but sometimes not lol 5.easy to train ..i mean who wants a flat footed slow coach of a dog who cant run on anything than sand who changes his coat and is too thick to know what dog shit is :S
  10. ...mind you i doubt theres many farmers that aren't clicky :L
  11. air rifle, not fac , and bunnys, squizzers,crows,pigeons,maggies...i really dont mind , just its a pain in the arse round my way, clicky farmers
  12. cigarette ones are a waste of time, soon as you get over a fence or even scratch your arse you got to make sure the f*****g thing is alright lol
  13. Thanks for the comment mrs...mary haha! hope you enjoy, im abit gutted to be quite honest, its seen me well but i know dont have the time for two guns, if i got spare time its out with one, plus my dog takes abit of time too, otherwise i wouldnt of sold...but anyway, after what i read on here about the scams...im glad that my name is clear and people can vouch for me with later deals etc also id happily admit it has been alot easier than i thought ,and luckily i dealt with the good honest people on here rather than the scam artists ,anyway thanks again.. happy christmas to your lot too ATB
  14. cheers mate, but make sure you take your stock off , water is a sod and itl get everywhere..happy shooting
  15. i just hope now, next time i take her out she doesnt prove me wrong, or il be cursing on here :L:L
  16. wipe down and a can of ballistol all over every bit of your gun, its good stuff, its also gunex oil from ballistol, highly weather proof, i use both, but dont use the high weather proof as often as the all rounder ballistol, as for camo, you good get camo tap, dark socks or t-shirts cut em up in the leaf like and stick them to a bobble, or whatever, but all the camo stuff will soak up the water anyway, best off taking a dry rag, quick wipe down before into the case, get home, wipe it down again leave in room temp for hr or two, wipe condensation off, and a nice spray will to the job, aslong a
  17. cant get no permission local, so willing to travel in the uk area, or just a days shooting somewhere worth going? thanks Rob
  18. thankfully my bitch doesnt show intrest in it :L but few of my mates hate the fact they roll round in cattle sh*t
  19. looks slightly bigger than a fox to me, that is if you wanted it for that purpose, pre ban of course
  20. just sold my gun to mary, (mrs mole) tidy to talk to over the phone, all went straight forward with no arsing around, great :)

    1. chris k

      chris k

      between mole and mrs mole i think they have more weopons than the royal armouries! :D


    2. robwelsh


      haha they have quite a few dont they :L

    3. chris k
  21. another one aswell, "if it ain doing it by 8 months its gone" regular occurence round my way lol
  22. my old man has had many whippets over the yrs, and if he heard you say this he'd go stir crazy, he says what alot of others has said about whippets on here, agile, speed and prey drive is tops,and not alot of people give the respect they deserve, because they "dont look hard", so if theres so many people thinking diffrent to you, it might just be the fact youve seen shitty show bred whippets, just my opinion
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