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About RabbitController

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 04/04/1994

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  1. Any one got a lurcher pup for sale?

    1. ftm


      some nice ones up here for sale bull x saluki x collie greyhound

  2. dose anyone have any barn owls for sale south west area cheers RC
  3. It was a decent trip mate.very glad we had one apiece because it was a a long way home for the silent treatment .lol.
  4. Alright mar Yeah going rappid on the rats at my uncles shed thanks for them.
  5. was out with foxdropper saterday evening for a stalk. we went to the first bit of the permission all we seen there was 3 does. 1 doe we got about 25 yrds watching for 30 odd minutes the doe moved on so we carryed on the stalk didnt see anything els so we went to FD other permission arived there on a brough of a hill FD had a quick scan with the bins he spotted a buck about a mile away so we had a slow stalk towards it. i spoted a doe in the long grass sat down i thought i seen 2 really small ears moving obviously foxdropper didnt believe me as untill the doe jumped up and so did the kid have a
  6. Yeah I seen some on eBay for £40ish and single shot ones for a £10 just seeing if I could get a second hand one...
  7. Hi peeps if any one has a super 10 22. Magazine please pm me
  8. Hi peeps if any one has a super 10 22. Magazine please pm me
  9. Cheers mar that will be 60 for the deer. Jokes
  10. I will leave the story to foxdropper
  11. Went to pick up one of my fresh eggs notice out the window there was a pigeon eating the pellets out side the chicken coop. thought i would try the pigeon curry people keep telling me about got some photos for ya.
  12. Passed my driving test More HUNTING!!!!!

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