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Everything posted by jsmith

  1. They're excellent climbers,when we were young kids we had a couple as pets the old man picked them up on his travels. Our back garden was surrounded by a ten foot wall but every couple of days they would disappear and we would eventually find them in one of the neighbours gardens.
  2. Absolutely nothing to do with Game Fairs all to do with the entertainment side of a family orientated show. Our show is a modest affair run to try and raise a few quid for our local school. We charged €3 an adult on the gate two for €5 and stall holders were charged €5. We had approx 2000 people attend our show this year and the general consciences was that we did an OK job and that's good enough for me.
  3. At our show this year we had everything from Skydiving Stunt Planes to the Fire Brigade doing a full Road traffic Accident Simulation including cutting up the car to a kids talent show.But at the same time you can't forget about the most important element and why people have come in the first place The Dog Show and Racing. For me the ideal game fair / show is all about a number of key factors: 1.ALL events should be run to the highest possible standards and with complete fairness. 2. VALUE FOR MONEY: You have to give people value for their hard earned cash. this includes the price of admissio
  4. Really nice looking russells you've got there, They remind me of a bitch I had 20 odd years ago, atb for the season with them.
  5. Cracking read,if we could only turn back time.
  6. Had a great weekend at Birr, nice and relaxed, met loads of people and had plenty of chats. Hats off to Albert and his team for putting on a great show and to Shane Lee and the Roscrea club who made a great job of the racing.
  7. Really nice dog you've got there pal
  8. The amount of them around here is unreal, I'm on the Blackwater with streams on both sides of me. I had one come screaming at me out of a ditch one evening out rabbiting,only that I had a shell in the gun the little b--tard would have had me. They sure can cover the ground quickly.
  9. Well done to all involved, a great show despite the weather, saw top class dogs and met some top class people.
  10. Great looking Terriers and a credit to you.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Like Terry I've been in the field since a young fella of 6 or 7, going ratting with my dad and his friends, and have done it all so to speak and enjoyed it immensely.When the summer months would roll around we'd attend the shows be they big or small, the biggest years ago for us was Adare now it's Birr Castle,but to be honest I never gave a second thought to what went into organising these, just enjoyed my day and went home. This year I ran my first working dog show,a thing I'd always longed to do,and I now have a new found admiration for anyone who runs any show no matte
  12. Well done, great to see young lads getting interested in dogs,here's to many more wins in the future.
  13. It's on Sunday 26th June in the Araglin Community Field at 12.30 thanks jsmith..you are a gentleman 3pm i was told :/ It says 12.30 on the flyer I have here that's all I know
  14. mahon valley working dog show kilmacthomas Co. Waterford Sunday 3rd July At 12.30
  15. It's on Sunday 26th June in the Araglin Community Field at 12.30
  16. Thanks dmick, the school has done very well out of the show thanks to people such as yourself who supported the event.I've always believed in not fleecing people at the gate and if you keep them entertained they will leave money in the field.We were to have a lot of other things going on as well but were let down at the last minute by them.With a little fine tuning here an there next year will be bigger and better.If anyone has any ideas or would like to bring an attraction to next years show feel free to pm me.
  17. I would like to congratulate all our show winners and the winners of the various qualifiers are as follows: The Master McGrath Niall O'Toole and Nasty Elaine Loughnane And Hugo Five Nations PJ O'Rouke,Roscrea 32 Counties Lurcher: PJ O'Rourke Terrier: William O'Callaghan with Frost Whippet: Mark O'Neill Derbyshire Bullcross Matthew Kelleher Gary Healy EdRd Mark Costin with Billy Miles Collins with Blackie John Hendrick
  18. I would like to thank everyone who came , your support is really appreciated, I,d also like to thank the judges who did a really good through job,I'm very grateful to everyone who helped and advised me in the run up to the show. I wish I'd had more time to chat with people but the day was fairly manic for me.Congratulations to all our qualifiers I'll post the names when I get my paperwork sorted.I'm glad ye enjoyed the show.I'll post some photos when I get them.
  19. What classes are you putting on for the lurchers? (ie. rough dog, rough bitch, smooth dog etc.) Can you post the whole schedule please? Hi Maximus these are the classes Clondulane Country Fair Show classes Terriers All terrier type pups 6-12 months Jack Russell Smooth Coated Dog Jack Russell Smooth Coated Bitch Jack Russell Rough Coated Dog Jack Russell Rough Coated Bitch Boarder type Dog Boarder type Bitch Lakeland / Fel
  20. Just a sample of the trophies and rosettes on offer on Saturday.
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